
Born pretty nail art bundle #5

by - 23.6.18

Hello, people of the internet!

Prije nekog vremena (čitajte - koji mjesec 😀) mi je stigao paketić sa Born Pretty stranice. Ponovo sam si naručila neke ukrase za nokte, a, ako vas zanima što se tu sve našlo, nastavite čitati.

Some time ago (read - a few months 😀) I received a little package from Born Pretty website. Once again I ordered some nail accessories and if you are interested what was in the package, just keep reading.

Prvi na redu je ovaj pečat sa stugalicom ukrašen pahuljicama. Iako je Božić davno prošao, nisam mogla odoljeti uzorku, a i trebao mi je novi pečat. Ovaj mi se odmah svidio radi silikonske "glave", točnije dvije. Inače su mi ovakvi tipovi pečata najdraži. Silikonske glave su jako mekani i divno prianjaju na nokat, pa možete biti sigurni da će vam lijepo prenijeti uzorak. Osim što ima dvije glave, veću i manju, dobra stvar je što između njh imaju plastični dijelovi kroz koje možete vidjeti kako nanosite uzorak na nokte. Također, strugalica koja dođe uz njega je jako tanka, što je za mene veliki plus, jer mi je sa takvom strugalicom lakše rasporediti lak po pločici. Pečat i strugalicu možete pogledati ovdje - https://goo.gl/66u5WB

First in line are this stamper and scraper with snowflakes on them. Although Christmas was a long time ago, I could not resist this design. I immediately liked the stamper because of its jelly head, more precisely two of them. These are usually my favorite type of stampers. The silicone heads are quite soft and stick to the nail nicely, so you can be sure they will transfer the design well. Besides having two heads, bigger and smaller one, the good thing is that there is a plastic part between them through which you can see how you apply the design onto nails. Also, the scraper which comes with the stamper is quite thin, which is a big plus in my opinion, because it spreads the polish over the stamping plate better. You can check stamper and scraper here - https://goo.gl/66u5WB

Također sam naručila ovaj set naljepnica za nokte. Ovaj set je bio malo lutrija jer piše "random" pa nisam znala točno koje će stići, ali ima malo čarolije u tome. 😀 U svakom slučaju uzorci mi se sviđaju iako su mi došla dva pakiranja istih. Radi se o vodenim naljepnicama koje su jako lagane za koristiti, a možete ih naći ovdje - https://goo.gl/er1Ca5

I also ordered this set of nail stickers. This set was kind of tricky because it says "random" so I didn't know which stickers exactly am I going to get, but there is some magic in that. 😀 Anyway, I quite like the designs, although I got two of the same packages. These are water decals, which are quite easy to use, and you can find them here - https://goo.gl/er1Ca5

Napravila sam i jednu romantičnu manikuru koristeći srcolike naljepnice i gore spomenuti pečat.

I created one romantic manicure using heart-shaped stickers and above mentioned stamper.

Odlučila sam da probam i njihove folije za nokte jer sam vidjela na intenetu totalno zanimljive manikure s njima. Moram priznati da se još nisam skroz ispraksirala s njima, ali vježbam 😀 Ako ništa drugo isplate se radi ovih folija s macama - kao stvoren za sve "crazy cat ladies" 🐱. Folije možete pogledati ovdje - https://goo.gl/N95HxW

I decided to try out their nail foils because I saw quite interesting manicures with them on the internet. I must admit I haven't had enough practice with them yet, but I keep trying. 😀 If nothing, they are worth it because of these foils with cat pattern - perfect for all the "crazy cat ladies" 🐱. The foils can be found here - https://goo.gl/N95HxW

Naravno da sam morala probati uzorak s macama, iako nije najbolje ispao, ali bar je sladak. 🐱

Of course, I just had to try out the cat pattern, and, although it's not the best, it's quite cute. 🐱

I šećer na kraju:

And icing on the cake:

Naravno, morala sam si naručiti i ovaj slatki set sirena četkica. Već sam ih spominjala u ovom youtube videu, pa neću dužiti. Četkice su zaista OK za svoju cijenu. Sintetičke su, no zaista mekane i fino obavljaju posao. Ova četkica kao lepeza je ipak malo tanka i vlakna su joj rijetko nabijena, no jako dobro dođe pri korištenju pigmentiranijih highlightera. Četkice možete vidjeti ovdje - https://goo.gl/2kEs2m

Of course, I had to order this cute set of mermaid brushes. I have already mention them in this youtube video, so I will not take long. The brushes are quite OK for their price. They are synthetic, but quite soft and they do the job well. This fan brush is a bit thin and the fibers are sparse, but really comes in handy when working with more pigmented highlighters. You can check the brushes out here - https://goo.gl/2kEs2m

Ja sam prilično zadovoljna ovom narudžbom. Zaista volim naručivati ove sitnice sa Born Pretty stranicu jer uvijek znam da imaju super stvari za nokte. Naravno, imaju i još svašta nešto u ponudi pa definitivno bacite oko.

I am quite pleased with this order. I really like to order these thingies from Born Pretty website because I am always sure they have awesome nail products. Of course, they offer a lot of different things so definitely check them out.
xx Stay tuned xx

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  1. Naljepnice i cetkice izgledaju super. Narocito mi se cetkice dopadaju. Lijepo su ti se mace oslikale :)


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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

