Born Pretty nail art bundle #4
Hello, hello, hello!
Ovaj post je trebao vidjeti svjetlo dana još prije Halloween-a, no kako su mi fotografije misteriozno nestale, tako je i post pao u zaborav. No, nikad nije kasno, zar ne? Vjerujem da među vama ima ljubitelja lakova za nokte i nail art-a općenito, a i vjerujem i ako niste da znate za Born Pretty stranicu. Već ste mogli vidjeti nekoliko postova na ovu temu, a u nastavku ovoga pročitajte što se našlo u ovoj narudžbi.
This post should have seen the light of day even before Halloween, but since my photos have mysteriously disappeared, so the post was forgotten. However, it is never to late, right? I believe there are fans of nail polish and nail-art in general among you, and I believe, even if you are not one, you are familiar with the Born Pretty website. You have probably already seen several posts on this topic, and if you continue reading you will see what I ordered this time. Halloween stamping plate
Nećete vjerovati ali ovo je moja prva Halloween pločica za pečatiranje 😱. Svi koji me poznaju znaju da ja volim Halloween i creepy stvari, tako da je ova pločica zaista kasno stigla u kolekciju. No, što se mene tiče ja ću ovu pločicu koristiti tijekom čitave godine - jer je meni svaki dan Halloween. 😂💀 Kao i druge njihove pločice i ova je odlična, sa dovoljno dubokim reljefima koji naprave odličan dizajn. Možete ju naručiti ovdje -
You will not believe, but this is my first Halloween stamping plate 😱. Everybody who has met me knows that I love Halloween and creepy things, so this plate is long overdue coming into my collection. However, as far as I am concerned, I am going to use this plate throughout entire year - because every day is Halloween for me. 😂💀 As their other plates, this one is excellent, too. Its reliefs are deep enough and they make an excellent design. You can order it here -
Za ovu manikuru sam koristila Catrice lak "03 Goddess of Bronze" iz njihove Brown kolekcije i Born Pretty crni lak za pečatiranje.
For this manicure I used Catrice polish "03 Goddess of Bronze" from their Brown collection and Born Pretty black stamping polish.
Born Pretty nail art stamping polish - Black
Ovaj put sam odlučila naručiti njihove lakove za pečatiranje da vidim ima li puno razlike između njih i "običnih" lakova. Pigmentacija im je odlična, a ovaj crni mi se čini mrvicu gušći od smeđeg. Ono što je meni malo predstavljalo problem s ovim lakom je njegovo čišćenje, što sa kožice oko noktiju što sa pločice. Također, probah ga nositi kao obični lak i nije nešto pretjerano trajan. No, kako mu ime kaže - on je lak za pečatiranje - i u tu svrhu je odličan. Super se uvuče u reljef pločice i bez problema prebaci na površinu pečata i nokta. Možete ga naći na ovom linku -
This time I decided to order their stamping polishes to see if there is any difference between them and "regular" ones. The pigmentation is great, and this black one seems a bit thicker in formula than the brown one. The thing that bothered me a bit was the cleaning, both from cuticles and the stamping plate. Also, I tried wearing it as a regular polish and it didn't last very long. However, as its title says- it is a stamping polish - and for that purpose it is great. It slides into the reliefs nicely and transfers onto stamp and nail plate effortlessly. You can find it in this link -
Born Pretty nail art stamping polish - Brown
Kako sam već navela ranije, smeđi je mrvicu rijeđi nego crni i samim time je meni bio lakši za korištenje. Ovu nijansu smeđe uopće nisam imala u kolekciji i super mi je došao za coffee manikure - a vjerujem da većina vas zna koliko ja volim kavu. 💜 Za ovu manikuru sam ga koristila uz Essence colour & care u nijansi 02 I care for you. Možete ga naći na ovom linku -
As I mentioned earlier, the brown one is a bit less thick in formula than the black one and therefore easier to apply, at least for me. I didn't have this shade in my collection at all and it proved great for coffee manicures - I believe most of you know how much I love coffee. 💜 For this manicure I used it along with Essence colour & care in the shade 02 I care for you. You can find it in this link -
Cute Cat nail art water decals
Zbog ranije navedenog problema misterioznog nestanka fotografija, fotografiju naljepnica u punom izdanju sam morala "posuditi" sa njihove stranice. Kako samo ime kaže, radi se o vodenim naljepnicama. Korištenje je veoma jednostavno - odrežete željeni dizajn u željenom obliku, skinete površinsku plastičnu foliju, ubacite u vodu i sačekate malo da se naljepnica odvoji od papira. Zatim ju skinete, zalijepite na nokat i premažete slojem nadlaka - i to je to! Naljepnice su mi se pokazale čak i bržom tehnikom od pečatiranja. Definitivno ću si nabaviti još neke. Možete ih nabaviti ovdje -
A evo i manikura. 😺
Due to above-mentioned case of mysterious disappearance of photos, I had to "borrow" the photo of the decals in their full glory from the website. As their title states, they are water decals. The application is very simple - you cut out the desired design i desired shape, remove the surface plastic foil, put into water and wait for decal to separate from the paper. You remove it from paper, paste onto nail and apply a layer of top coat - and that is it! I found this water decal technique to be a faster than stamping one. I will definitely order some more. You can find them here -
Here is the manicure 😺
Za ovu manikuru sam koristila Catrice lakove 04 Unmistakable Style iz Brown kolekcije i 02 Mauve Magnifique iz Provo-Catrice kolekcije.
For this manicure I used Catrice polishes 04 Unmistakable Style from Brown collection i 02 Mauve Magnifique from Provo-Catrice collection.
Nadam se da vam se sviđaju stvarčice i definitivno mi napišite koja vam se manikura najviše sviđa. Born Pretty ima besplatnu poštarinu na sve, tako da definitivno bacite oko.
I hope you like the thingies and definitely let me know which manicure do you like the most. Born Pretty has free shipping on all items, so definitely check it out.
xx Stay Tuned xx
hvala ti :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice i like your product
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you :)
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*