
Mermaid brushes

by - 2.7.18

Hello, people of the internet!

Nije tajna da volim četkice za šminku i, koliko god da ih imam, uvijek mi ih nedostaje. Još ako pronađem jeftine, a dobre četkice - to je jackpot! Kad sam na ToSave stranici ugledala ove, odmah sam si morala naručiti. Iako je na području Bosne i Hercegovine vrijeme bilo sve samo ne ljetno, ove četkice vrište ljeto, a kako i ne bi kad su u obliku sireninog repa. U prošlom postu sam vam pokazala jedan manji set sličan ovome, no sirena četkice su me skroz osvojile tako da sam "udomila" i ove 😀

It is no secret I love makeup brushes and, no matter how many I have, I always find myself missing some. Also, if I find cheep but good ones - it's a jackpot! When I saw this brush set on ToSave website, I immediately decided to order them. Although the weather in Bosnia and Herzegovina was everything but summery, these brushes scream summer, and how wouldn't they when they are shaped like a mermaid tail. In the previous post I showed you one smaller mermaid makeup brush set similar to this one, but the mermaid brushes completely totally got me so I "adopted" this set too.

U ovom setu dođe 10 četkica. Vlakna su im sintetička, no prilično mekana. Na nekim četkicama neka vlakna malo strše, pa izgledaju malo neuredno, no ne predstavlja problem pri korištenju. Također, vlakna nisu ispadala tokom pranja, što je veliki plus. Drške su napravljene od plastike i prilično su lagane. Cijena im je i više nego pristupačna, a možete ih vidjeti ovdje - https://goo.gl/1fCiBf

You get 10 brushes in this set. The fibers are synthetic but quite soft. Some fibers on some brushes stick out a little bit, so they look messy, but it doesn't pose a problem in application of eye shadows. Also, the fibers didn't fall out during washing, which is a big plus. The handles are made of plastic and they are quite lightweight. Their price is more than affordable and you can check them out here - https://goo.gl/1fCiBf

Četkice nemaju nikakve oznake pa ću ih ja obilježiti brojem počevši s lijeva ka desno.

1 - šira, blago koso rezana četkica, dobra je za blendanje jenila u pregibu kapka. Jako fino blenda proizvod, a oblik omogućava da sjenilo u pregibu ostane pigmentiranije.
2 i 3 - stavila sam ih skupa jer je jedina razlika to što je br.3 ravno rezana. Prilično su iste širine i obje su dobre za blendanje, s tim da br.2 mrvicu bolje to odradi jer je oblo rezana.
4 - široka, plosnata četkica je dobra za nanošenje sjenila preko cijelog kapka. Ona mi je super za brze look-ove jer brzo mogu nanijeti sjenilo i blago ga izblendati i spremna sam za izlazak.
5 - široka 'lepeza' četkica je super za nanošenje highlightera na jagodične kosti. Nešto je mekša i vlakna su rijeđa od one iz prethodnog posta, no super dođe za nanošenje pigmentiranijih highlihtera.
6 - plosnata, tvrđa četkica dobro služi za nanošenje korektora ili sjajnih/metalik sjenila. Može se koristiti i za "mokru" metodu nanošenja sjenila.
7 - tvrđa četkica u obliko olovke, koju iskreno nisam baš često koristila i koja mi nije pretjerano draga. Probala sam ju za nanošenje korektora oko nosa i OK je, no mislim da bi bila bolja za nanošenje sjenila na donji kapak.
8 - plosnata četkica za usne, dobro odradi posao, fino i precizno nanese ruž. Može se koristiti i za nanošenje highlighta u unutarnji kut oka.
9 - iskreno ima čudan oblik. Plosnata je i ravno rezana, no prilično je debela, pa još nisam našla dobru namjenu za nju. Probala sam nanijeti sjenilo uz donji rub trepavica no iskreno nije dobro obavila posao.
10 - plosnata, koso rezana četkica je, pretpostavljam, za obrve. Napisah "pretpostavljam" jer je i ona kao i br.9 prilično debela pa ju čak nisam ni isprobala. Možda bi i bila dobra za obrve ako imate prirodno pune obrve pa ovom četkicom samo malo popravite, ali mislim da nije baš precizna.

The brushes have no markings so I'm just going to number them starting from left to right. 

1 - wider, slightly angled, good for blending in the crease area. It blends the product quite nicely, and its shape allows the shadow to stay more pigmented in the actual crease.
2 and 3 - I put them together, because there is almost no difference between them except the no.3 is flat cut. They are both good for blending, although no.2 does the job slightly better because of its dome shape.  
4 - wide, flat brush is ideal for applying the eye shadow over the entire lid. It is great for quick looks. because I can quickly apply eye shadow, slightly blend it, and I'm good to go.  
5 - wide fan brush is good for applying highlighter on the cheek bones. It is a bit softer and the fibers are a bit sparser than the one from the previous post, but it is good for applying more pigmented highlighters. 
6 - flat, firm brush which works well for applying concealer or shiny/metallic eye shadows. It can also be used for a "wet" technique of eye shadow application.
7 - stiff pencil brush, which I honestly haven't used very often and which I don't particularly like. I tried it for a concealer application around nose and it is OK, but I think it would be better used for applying the eye shadow to the lower eyelid. 
8 - flat lip brush, it gets the job done well, and it applies the lipstick nicely and precisely. It can also be used for applying highlighter in the inner eye corner. 
9 - honestly, it has a really weird shape. It is flat in shape and flat cut, but it's quite thick, so I still haven't found a good use for it. I tried to apply an eye shadow to the lower eyelid with it, but it didn't do a very good job.
10 - flat, angled, I assume it's for eyebrows. I wrote "I assume" because, as the no.9, it is quite thick so I haven't even tried it. Perhaps it would be good for those who have naturally thicker eyebrows so they just need to shape them a little, but I think it is not really precise.

Za cijenu od oko 5$ ove su četkice itekako iskoristive. Od deset četkica, sedam ih je zaista iskoristivo i dobro, a ostale tri mogu poslužiti za nešto 😀. U svakom slučaju, kao dekoracija na makeup stoliću izgledaju predivno. Definitivno bacite oko na ovaj sirena set - https://goo.gl/1fCiBf

For a price of about 5$ I think they are quite usable. Out of ten brushes, seven is really usable and good, and the other three could be used for something 😀. Anyhow, they look beautiful as a decoration on a makeup desk. Definitely check out this mermaid brush set - https://goo.gl/1fCiBf

xx Stay tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

