Avon -My everything- edt for him and edp for her
Hello hello hello!
Odavno nisam napisala nešto o nekom parfemu... točnije godinu dana. U novom New In postu ste mogli vidjeti da mi je nedavno stigao ovaj Avon duo iz linije 'Today, Tomorrow, Always' pod nazivom 'My Everything', te sam odlučila napisati koju riječo njima.
I haven't written anything about some perfume for a very long time... more precisely for a year. In the new New In post you could have seen I received this Avon duo from 'Today, Tomorrow, Always' called 'My Everything', so I decided to write a few words about them.
Pakiranje je klasično kartonsko na kojemu se nalaze sve informacije vezane za proizvode. Muška verzija dolazi u mauve-smeđoj kutiji jednostavnog dizajna, dok ženska verzija dolazi nešto lijepšoj, gradient breskvasto-rozoj kutijici. Obje krase sjajna slova "My Everything". Također, bočica muške verzije je jednostavnog četvrtastog oblika, sa tek vidljivim slovima na obruču raspršivača. Ženska verzija je u slatkoj zaobljenoj bočici koja podsjeća na retro parfeme, te je bojom i natpisom u skladu sa svojom kutijicom.
The packaging is classic cardboard one containing all the information about the products. The version 'for him' comes in a mauve-brown box of simple design, while the version 'for her' comes in a somewhat prettier, gradient peachy-pink box. Both are decorated with shiny inscription "My Everything". Also, the bottle of the version 'for him' has a simple rectangular shape, with barely visible letters on the sprayer rim. The version 'for her' has a cute rounded bottle which resembles retro perfumes, and it matches the box in color and inscription.
Eau de toilette for him
"Sočni tonovi limuna, aromatične lavande i toplog pačulija spojeni su u miris koji predstavlja esenciju prave ljubavi"
"Experience crisp lemon notes, aromatic lavender and warm patchouli expertly crafted to capture the essence of true love"
Ovaj parfem ima lijep omjer toplih i svježih nota. Miris citrusa je glavna nota i definitivno se najviše osjeti, srednja nota je lavanda i bazna nota pačuli. Na prvu je prilično intenzivan no nije pretjerano trajan, jer se ipak radi o toaletnoj vodi, te intenzitet mirisa brzo prelazi iz jakog u blagi. Toplina pačulija ga čini odličnim za ovo hladno doba godine. Može služiti i kao dnevni, ali i kao večernji parfem, a moj gospon muž ga najčešće koristi u prvoj varijanti.
This perfume has a nice ratio of warm and fresh notes. The citrus scent is the top note and is definitely the most noticeable, the middle note is lavender and the base one is patchouli. At first it is quite intensive but not particularly durable, as it is an eau de toilette, and the scent intensity rapidly goes from strong to mild. The warmth of the patchouli makes it great for this cold time of the year. It can be used for as a day time, but also a night time perfume, and my Mr. Hubby usually uses it in the first variant.
This perfume has a nice ratio of warm and fresh notes. The citrus scent is the top note and is definitely the most noticeable, the middle note is lavender and the base one is patchouli. At first it is quite intensive but not particularly durable, as it is an eau de toilette, and the scent intensity rapidly goes from strong to mild. The warmth of the patchouli makes it great for this cold time of the year. It can be used for as a day time, but also a night time perfume, and my Mr. Hubby usually uses it in the first variant.
Eau de parfum for her
"Očaravajuća kombinacija sočnog bergamonta, romantične ruže i zavodljive praline inspirirana radošću prave ljubavi"
"Indulge in a charming blend of zesty bergamot, romantic rose and addictive praline inspired by the joy of true love"
Ako ste ljubiteljica slatkastih mirisa, ovo bi mogao biti parfem za vas. Iako se po meni miris ruže najviše osjeti, nije previše sladak, već ima lijep omjer slatkog i svježeg, za što je zaslužan bergamont. Nije pretjerano intenzivan, niti pretjerano trajan, no potraje nekoliko sati što ga po meni čini idealnim za dnevne varijante. Što se godišnjeg doba tiče, po meni je idealan za proljeće. Iako sam ja ljubitelj težih, toplijih mirisa, često posegnem za ovim parfemom za odlazak na posao ili dnevni izlazak.
I you are a fan of sweet scents, than this might be a perfume for you. Although, in my opinion, the scent of rose is the most prominent, it is not too sweet, but has a nice ratio of sweet and fresh, which is due to bergamot. It is not overly intense, nor overly durable, but it lasts for couple of hours which makes it great for day time use. As for the season, I think it is ideal for spring time. Although I am a fan of somewhat heavier, warmer scents, I often reach for this perfume for going to work or day time meetings.
Sve u svemu, parfemi su jako ugodni i često ih koristimo. Iskreno, meni se muška verzija malo više sviđa, čisto iz razloga jer je volim tople note u parfemima i njega bih definitivno preporučila. Kod ženske verzije, kako sam navela, mi se sviđa što nije previše sladak, a znam da ga moja prijateljica, koja voli ovakve mirisne note, obožava. Super su kao poklon, a kako nam stižu blagdani sigurna sam da će nekoga razveseliti. Trenutna cijena muškog parfema je 31,90 KM za 75ml, a ženskog 23,90 KM za 50ml.
All in all, the perfumes are quite pleasant and we often use them. Honestly, I like 'for him' version a bit more, solely because I like warm notes in perfumes and I definitely recommend this one. What I like about 'for her' version, as I've already mentioned, is that it is not too sweet, and I know that my friend, who loves these kind of scents, adores it. They are great as a gift, and since the holidays are coming I'm sure someone would be glad to get them.
Jeste li već probali ovaj duo?
Koje biste Avon parfeme vi preporučili?
*PR uzorci*
*PR samples*
xx Stay tuned xx
Thank you for the comments :*