Born Pretty nail art bundle #3
Hello, hello, hello!
Vjerovatno vas je većina upoznata sa Born Pretty web stranicom, a mogli ste o njoj pročitati na blogu. U zadnjem New In postu ste mogli vidjeti sadržaj posljednje Born Pretty narudžbe, a danas ću vam napisati malo više o samim stvarčicama.
Most of you are probably already familiar with the Born Pretty website, and you could have already read about it on the blog. In the last New In post you could see the content of the last Born Pretty order, and today I am writing about these thingies a bit more.
Ovo na slici nije lak za nokte već tekući lateks/ljepilo za zaštitu kože oko noktiju prilikom lakiranja i pečatiranja. Kada se tek namaže bude bijelo i treba malo sačekati da postane prozirno prije korištenja laka za nokte. Kada završite proces lakiranja ili pečatiranja, pomoću pincete uklonite lateks sa kožice. Ovo mi je prvi takav proizvod da probam i OK je, s tim da se meni ne skine u jednom potezu kao na svim onim nail art videima 😂. Pretpostavljam da trebam deblji sloj nanijeti. Naći ćete ga na ovom linku -
This item in the picture is not a nail polish, yet liquid latex/glue for protecting skin around nails during nail polishing or stamping. When applied it looks white and you need to wait for a bit for it to turn translucent, before applying nail polish. When you finish the process of polishing or stamping, remove the latex using tweezers. This is the first time I try such product and I find it OK, considering I don't remove it in one swipe as in all of those nail art videos 😂. I assume I need to apply a thicker layer. You can find it at this link -
Druga stvarčica u narudžbi je ovaj lak za pečatiranje. Uzela sam crni jer tu boju najčešće koristim za pečatiranje. Ok je, lijepo se rasporedi po reljefu pločice, no prilično se brzo suši pa treba brzo raditi s njim. Dobro je pigmentiran i dizajn lijepo ostane na noktima. Možete ga naći na ovom linku -
The second item in the order is this stamping nail polish. I ordered the black one because that's the color I most often use for stamping. It is OK, it spreads nicely over the reliefs of the plate, but it dries rather quickly so you need to work quickly. It is well pigmented and design transfers nicely onto the nails. You can find it at this link -
Sljedeće na redu su ove okrugle naljepnice napravljene od gume, koje služe za prepoznavanje lakova za nokte. Ako imate lakova koliko i ja, ili čak i više, ovo je jako korisna stvarčica. Jednostavno ih nalakirate i zalijepite na čep od laka za nokte. Možete ih pronaći na ovom linku -
Next in line are this round, rubber stickers, which are used for nail polish recognition. If you have as many nail polishes as I do, or even more, these are very useful thingies. You simply polish them and stick to the cap of the nail polish. You can find them at this link -
Ovaj put sam u narudžbu ubacila i umjetne trepavice, jer me nešto uhvatila pomama za njima. Do tada sam možda imala dva para umjetnih trepavica pa sam sama sebe ubijedila da mi treba još. 😀 Jako su udobne, mekane i, iako su dramatične, jako su lagane. Trakica nije predebela i lako se uklopi sa linijom vaših trepavica. Savršene su za dramatičnije look-ove. Možete ih naći na ovom linku -
This time I also ordered some false lashes, because I got caught in a lashes craze. Until then I had owned maybe two pairs of false lashes so I convinced myself I needed more. 😀 They are quite comfortable, soft and, although dramatic, are quite light. The line is not too thick and blends easily with the natural lash line. They are perfect for more dramatic looks. You can find them at this link -
I zadnje na redu su ove pločice za pečatiranje. Ovaj put sam izabrala jednu pločicu sa čipkanim i jednu sa geometrijskim motivima. Njihove pločice svaki put pohvalim, ali nije na odmet opet. Super su izrađene, reljefi su dovoljno duboki da se lak lijepo nanese preko njih a sam dizajn svake pločice je divan. Već sam ih nekoliko puta koristila, a ostavljam vam i par sličica manikura.
The last items are these stamping plates. This time I chose one plate with lace and one with geometric pattern. I praise their plates every time, but one more doesn't hurt. They are well made, the reliefs are deep enough for polish to be spread nicely over them, and the design of each plate is gorgeous. I have already used them couple of times, and I leave you with few photos of my manicures. 
Link za pločicu sa čipkanim detaljima -
Link za pločicu sa geometrijskim detaljima -
Link for the lace pattern plate -
Link for the geometric pattern plate -
I to bi bila moja narudžba sa Born Pretty stranice. Definitivno skoknite i pogledajte njihovu ponudu. Iako su najpoznatiji po nail art stvarčicama, imaju široku ponudu raznih stvari od odjeće i asesoara do beauty stvarčica.
And that would be my Born Pretty site order. Definitely drop by and check out their offer. Although they are mostly known for their nail art supplies, they have a wide range of different things, from clothes and accessories to beauty supplies.
xx Stay tuned xx
I ja sam poručila ovaj zaštita-lak i super je. Mada je moj malo drugačijeg pakovanja. Skida se odlično i u jednom sloju. Nemam ga trenutno kod sebe, ali pogledam kada ga dobijem nazad pa ti tipnem.
OdgovoriIzbrišie fino :D
IzbrišiJa sam ovaj ponovo probala koristiti i kad nanesem deblji sloj fino se skida, nego ja prije štedim pa tanko nanesem pa ništa od toga XD
Thank you for the comments :*