
Sunny Sunday

by - 14.7.16


Ovih dana sam se baš nešto ulijenila s pisanjem.... Zapravo ulijenila sam se sa svime, da budem iskrena. Ne znam je li to do vrućine - koju inače odlično podnosim, ili je do ljetnog raspusta - vjerovatno je do toga, ali eto.... Imala sam u pripremi nekoliko postova, no nikako da se nakanim natipkati.... No, dosta sa izlikama, danas sam se odlučila natipkati jedan i s vama podijeliti oduševljenje ovim tajicama koje su mi stigle sa SheIn stranice. 

These days I got really lazy when it comes to writing... Actually I got lazy to do anything, to be honest. I don't know whether it's the heat - which I can tolerate well, or it0s the summer holidays - which is the probable reason, but still... I have several postsprepared, but I just couldn't make myself write them... Anyway, enough with excuses, today I decided to type one and share my delight with these leggings I got from SheIn website.

Inače volim hodati, trčati ne - ako me vidite da trčim, potrčite i vi, jer mene sigurno nešto proganja :D. Jednu od sunčanih nedjelja sam cijelu provela vani, tako da mi je bilo potrebno nešto udobno za cijelodnevnu šetnju. Vjerovali ili ne, ja u svom ormaru nemam trenirku, a to je svima potrebno, bez obzira jesu li sportski tip ili ne - tako da sam ja izabrala nešto blizu tome. 

I generally like to walk, not to run - if you see me running, you should run too, because there is probably something chasing me :D. I spent one of the sunny Sundays outside, so I needed something comfortable for all-day walk. Believe it or not, I don't own a pair of sweatpants, and that is a necessity, regardrless or whether or not you are a sports type - so I chose something close to it.


Tajice su napravljene od 95% pamuka i 5% elastina i jako su udobne, te samim time odlične za sporti ili ležernu šetnju gradom. Ipak, mislim da bi možda bile prikladnije za proljeće ili jesen jer su nešto debljeg materijala.

Leggings are made of 95% cotton and 5% elastine and are very comfortable, and therefore great for sports or casual walk in town. Still, I think they would me more appropriate for spring or autumn because they are made of thicker material.

U svakom slučaju ja sam i više nego zadovoljna tajicama i SheIn su još jednom potvrdili da imaju kvalitetnu odjeću po pristupačnim cijenama.

All in all I am more than pleased with these leggings and SheIn reaffirmed that they have quality clothes at affordable prices.

A pošto je ljeto u punom jeku, naravno da dam "odmjerila" i neke ljetne stvarčice ;)

And since summer is in full swing, of course I "checked out" some summer things ;) 

Kupaći / swimsuit http://goo.gl/n8ly73 
Naočale 1 / sunglasses 1 - http://goo.gl/pHQ50M
Naočale 2 / sunglasses 2 - http://goo.gl/tusLI6
Sandale / sandals http://goo.gl/VI1HKz

Haljina / dress 1 - http://goo.gl/Gh3QKY
Haljina / dress 2 -http://goo.gl/6OMUzs

I nešto za sve one koje je zahvatila Pokemanija :P

And here's something for everyone affected by Pokemania :P


Bavite li se vi sportom ili više volite šetati poput mene?

Do you do sports or you rather enjoy walks like I do?

xx Stay Tuned xx 

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  1. Kombo ti je vrh ❤ pokemon kostim ono da 😍 jos da je imat poke lopte za popunit ga di bi mi kraj bio 😁

    1. hahahahhahah to je to :D
      zamisli trčiš gradom u kupaćem i hvataš pokemone XD sutra odma u novinama


Thank you for the comments :*

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

