Puppy Avon manicure*
Ovaj tmuran dan traži neki veseli post, pa sam vam odlučila pokazati slatku, girly manikuru. Kako sam već nekoliko puta spomenula, što se odjeće tiče tu ne volim boje, no nokti su mi u 90% slučajeva u nekoj boji.
This gloomy day asks for a cheerful post, so I decided to show off my cute, girly manicure . As I've already mentioned several times, when it comes to clothes - I don't like colors, but my nails are 90% of time polished in some color.
This gloomy day asks for a cheerful post, so I decided to show off my cute, girly manicure . As I've already mentioned several times, when it comes to clothes - I don't like colors, but my nails are 90% of time polished in some color.
U prethodna dva paketića iz Avona su mi stigla ova dva laka u divnim nijansama, koje se jako dobro slažu, te sam oba odlučila iskoristiti za ovu manikuru. Avon nail experts 5 u 1 je izgubio gornji dio čepa, ali je funkcionalni dio ostao. Korišten je kao bazni i nadlak.
In te previous two packets by Avon I got this two polishes in gorgeous shades, which go well together, so I decided to use both for this manicure. Avon nail expert 5 in 1 lost its upper part of the cap, but the functional part remains. It was used as base and top coat.
In te previous two packets by Avon I got this two polishes in gorgeous shades, which go well together, so I decided to use both for this manicure. Avon nail expert 5 in 1 lost its upper part of the cap, but the functional part remains. It was used as base and top coat.
Avon Magic Effect Cosmic u nijansi Aurora je predivna nježna lila nijansa. Avon je ove lakove opisao da imaju holografski biserni efekt, s čime bi se ja složila. Sadrži mikro shimmer koji predivno reflektira svjetlost i ima divan biserni sjaj, te vam neće biti potreban nadlak. Pigmentacija je dobra i punu nijansu ćete dobiti u dva tanja sloja. U aktuelnom katalogu nisu dostupni, no nadam se da će biti u nekom od sljedećih.
Avon Magic Effect Cosmic in Aurora is a lovely light lilac shade. Avon describes this polishes as having a holographic pearl effect, which I would agree with. It contains micro shimmer which reflects the light beautifully and it has a gorgeous pearly shine, so you won't need a top coat. Pigmentation is good and you will get full coverage in two thin layers.
Avon Magic Effect Cosmic in Aurora is a lovely light lilac shade. Avon describes this polishes as having a holographic pearl effect, which I would agree with. It contains micro shimmer which reflects the light beautifully and it has a gorgeous pearly shine, so you won't need a top coat. Pigmentation is good and you will get full coverage in two thin layers.
Avon Nailwear Pro u nijansi Starburst je divna tamna ružičasta, bobičasta nijansa. Pigmentacija mu je slabija od Cosmic lakova, tako da će vam trebati tri tanja sloja za potpuno prekrivanje. Nailwear pro lakovi su trenutno 8,90 KM.
Avon Nailwear Pro in Starburst is a gorgeus dark pink, berry shade. Pigmentation is weaker than with Cosmic polishes, so you will need three thin layers for full coverage.
Za uzorak na noktima sam koristila ovu preslatku Born Pretty pločicu za pečatiranje Uzorci su divni i veoma je lako raditi s njima, jer je većina dovoljno duboka.
As for pattern, I used this super-cute Born Pretty stamping plate. Patterns are great and easy to work with, because most of them are deep enough.
Avon Nailwear Pro in Starburst is a gorgeus dark pink, berry shade. Pigmentation is weaker than with Cosmic polishes, so you will need three thin layers for full coverage.
Za uzorak na noktima sam koristila ovu preslatku Born Pretty pločicu za pečatiranje Uzorci su divni i veoma je lako raditi s njima, jer je većina dovoljno duboka.
As for pattern, I used this super-cute Born Pretty stamping plate. Patterns are great and easy to work with, because most of them are deep enough.
Prije pečatiranja / before stamping |
Poslije pečatirana / after stamping |
Sviđa li vam se manikura? Volite li vi pečatirati nokte?
Do you like my manicure? Do you like nail stamping?
*Products were sent to me for the purpose of unpaid review. All the opinons are mine and honest.
xx Stay Tuned xx
mnogo volim da pecatim svoje noktice ali neke od plocica nisu dobro odradjene pa me to bas nervira.. Ne znam da li se to desava kod svake plocice ili sam ja izabrala loseg proizvodjaca :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa sam bila nabavila neke pločice s ebaya i nervirala se što nikako ne mogu dobiti uzorak kako treba. Dok si nisam nabavila born pretty pločicu. One imaju bolje izrađene uzorke, i reljef je dublji pa se lak bolje rasporedi :)
Izbrišibas lepo izgleda ! imam i ja ovu plocicu obozavam je bas zbog te slike :)
OdgovoriIzbrišilep pozdrav!
Hvala puno :)
IzbrišiPločica je zakon :D
preslatko :D
OdgovoriIzbrišihvalaaaa :3
IzbrišiOdlicno izgleda :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNovi post na : http://beautyrebel09.blogspot.ba/2016/01/avon-true-color-perfectly-matte.html
Hvala :3
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*