Urban Decay - Game of Thrones - eyeshadow palette

by - 20.5.19

*Insert Game of Thrones music here*

Hello, people of the internet!

Ovaj post nije mogao čekati kao što neki drugi čekaju, tako da - gledajte, njeno veličanstvo! Kad sam vidjela da će Urban Decay izbaciti ovu limitiranu kolekciju inspiriranu serijom Game of Thrones, odmah sam si zacrtala da ću nekako nabaviti paletu sjenila, pa makar morala prodati bubreg 😂. Iskreno, bojala sam se da će odmah biti rasprodana tako da sam odmah se raspitala po zemlji EU da mi netko nabavi kad izađe, a imala sam i plan B.

This post couldn't have waited like some others have, so - behold, her heighness! When I saw Urban Decay was about to release a new limited edition collection inspired by Game of Thrones, I immediately figured I would get an eyeshadow palette, even if I had to sell my kidney 😂. Honestly, I was affraid it wold sell out immediatelly so I asked my people in the EU countries to get me one when it gets released, and I also had a plan B.

Početkom mjeseca sam išla u Barcelonu i prije puta sam provjerila na njihovoj stranici Sephore je li paleta još dostupna. Naravno imala sam na umu da možda u poslovnicama fizički neće biti, pa sam u tom slučaju imala plan C da pogledam u Zagrebu kada se vratim. Srećom za mene, paleta je bila u poslovnici, a sve ostalo iz kolekcije je bilo rasprodano. Ima i smješna scena kako sam uopće kupila paletu, ali za to ćete trebati sačekati video 😂.

Uglavnom, u kolekciji su se još nalazili ruževi, olovke za oči, dvije četkice i paleta highlightera, no mene oni nisu toliko zanimali - ja sam zapela za paletu sjenila za oči i da ju nisam kupila sigurno bi žalila.

At the beginning of this month I travelled to Barcelona and before the trip I checked their Sephora website if the palette was still available. Of course, I had in mind that it might not be phisically available in the store, so I also made a plan C to look it up in Zagreb on my way back home. Luckily for me, the palette was in the store and everything else from the collection was sold out. There was also a funny scene of me buying it, but you'll have to wait for my video in order to see it 😂.

Anyway, there were also lipsticks, eye pencils, two brushes and a highlighter palette in the collection, but I wasn't very interested in those - I only wanted the eyeshadow palette and if I hadn't bought it I would have regretted it.

Brace yourselves, a 1000 photos are coming.

Prvo, ja sam inače osoba koja "pada" na predivna pakiranja, tako i da je to bio slučaj sa ovom paletom - zapravo pakiranje je bilo najvažniji faktor pri kupovini, iako nisam sumnjaja da je unutra odličan proizvod. Kartonsko pakiranje i sama paleta su napravljeni da izgledaju kao knjiga, te osim funkcionalnosti odličan su ukras na polici ili makeup stolu. Osim prelijepog dizajna i reljefa, vanjsko pakiranje sadrži i sve podatke vezane za proizvod.

First of all, I'm a sucker for gorgeous packagings, so it was a case with this palette, too - actually the packaging was the main reason for this purchase, although I haven't doubted it contained an excellent product. The cardboard packaging and the palette itself are made to look like a book, so, beside its functionality, it can also be used as a decoration on a shelf or a makeup table. Besides gorgeous design and texture, the packaging also contains all the information about the product. 

Sama paleta je izrađena od tvrog kartona i prilično je glomazna, što ju čini totalno nepraktičnom za putovanja, ali nije ni namijenjena za to, već je više kolekcionarska. Kada se otvori gornji dio nalazimo veliko ogledalo i citat od Daenerys, a kad taj dio otvorimo rasklopi se malo Prijestolje - mislim, i kako onda ja da to ne kupim?! 😂 Sa strane palete se nalazi "ladica" u kojoj se nalaze sama sjenila.

The palette itself is made of hard cardboard and is pretty bulky, which makes it totally not travel friendly, but it is not its purpose anyway, it's rather a collectors item. When you open the top there is a big mirror and a quote from Daenerys, and when you open that compartment a little Iron Throne pops out - I mean, how was I not suppose to buy it?! 😂 On the side of the palette there is a "drawer" with eyeshadows.

Sjenila su podijeljena na četiri dijela - tri glavne ljudske kuće; Targaryen, Lannister i Stark, te jedan dio koji prestravlja Sjever. Sve što o samim sjenilima mogu reći su pohvale - pigmentacija, trajnost, blendanje - sve je odlično. Mat sjenila se truse u pakiranju, no to meni ne predstavlja problem, a i pigmentacija im je toliko dobra da vam treba jako mala količina, te se samim time i smanjuje trušenje (ne morate kopati četkicom po sjenilima). Što se tiče sjajnih nijansi, četiri izgledaju kao prešani glitteri, tj sadrže dosta krupnijih sjajnih čestica, dok ostale variraju između satenskog i metalik završetka. Njih je najbolje nanositi prstom, no čak i tada imaju tendenciju da se truse pri nanošenju, pa savjetujem oprez. Sjenila u većim panovima, tj. ova četiri istaknuta okrugla sjenila se mogu koristiti i kao transformatori preko nekog drugog sjenila - ja predlažem crno, jer se preko njega najbolje primijete. Paleta sadrži samo tri potpuno mat sjenila, dok je jedno s mat bazom i sitnim sjajnim česticama, i to bi mogao biti minus, no meni osobno to ne smeta jer ipak mogu postići potpuni look sa njom. Ja ću sjenila opisivat kako su i složena, po kućama, pa krenimo redom.

Eyeshadows are devided to four sections - three main human houses; Targaryen, Lannister and Stark, and one which represents The North. The only thing I can say about the eyeshadows is praise - pigmentation, durability, blending - everything is excellent.  Matte shades have a kick-back in the packaging, but I don't find it problematic, and the pigmentation is so good that you only need a small amount, therefore it reduces the kick-back (you don't need to dig into them with brushes). As for the shiny shades, four of them look like pressed glitters, ie they contain a lot of larger shimmery particles, while the others vary between satin and metallic. They are best applied with a finger, but even then there might be some fall out so I recommend caution. Shades in the big pans, ie these four prominent circular ones can also be used as transformers over another eyeshadow - I recommend the black one, because they are most noticeable over those . The palette contains only three completely matte shades, while one is with mat base and tiny shiny particles, which might be a minus, but I personally don't mind it because I can still achieve a complete look with it. I will describe the shades as they're set, by houses, so let's start. 


House Targaryen

Bay of dragons - jedna od četiri nijanse sa krupnijim glitterom. Toplija, svijetla roza nijansa koja se može koristiti samostalno ili kao transformer. Ja sam ju koristila u unutarnjem kutu oka.
House Targaryen - svijetla bakrena, gotovo breskvasta metalik nijansa.
Bend the knee - hladna, svijetla lila nijansa, pomalo duochrome pošto se baš ističu svijetlo plave sjajne čestice.
Stormborn - predivna neutralna ljubičasta nijansa (iako na fotografijama izgleda hladnija nego uživo). Druga od četiri glitteraste nijanse, predivno se presijava na svjetlu.
Dothraki - zlatna, rekla bih opet neutralna, ni pretopla ni prehladna, ima metalik završetak.

Bay of dragons -  one of the four glittery shades. Warmer, light pink which can be used by itself or as a transformer. I used it in the inner eye corner.
House Targaryen - light coppery, almost peachy metallic shade.
Bend the knee - cool, light lilac shade, a bit duochrome since it contains very prominent light blue particles.
Stormborn - gorgeous neutral purple shade (although it looks cooler in photos than live). Second out of four glittery shade, it reflects the light beautifully.
Dothraki - gold, I'd say neutral shade, not too cool nor too warm, has a metallic finish.

House Lannister

King's Landing - jako svijetla, hladnija zlatna nijansa metalik završetka, odlična za highilght u unutarnjem kutu oka, a laganim nanosom se može koristiti i na licu.
Casterly rock - srednje tamna, toplija brončano smeđa nijansa sjajnog završetka, nije satenska a nije ni metalik.
Lannister red - srednje tamna smeđa sa izraženim crvenim podtonom, gotovo bordo nijansa mat završetka. Odlična za definiciju pregiba i lijepo se slaže sa ostalim toplim tonovima.
Red keep - predivna narančasto-bakarna metalik nijansa, jako mekana i fino se nanosi na kapak prstom, bez trušenja.
House Lannister - svijetla breskvasta mat nijansa, odlična kao prijelazna i slaže se sa svim tonovima u paleti.

King's Landing - very light, cool gold shade with metallic finish, excellent as a highlight in the inner eye corner, and with a light application can be used on the face, too.
Casterly rock - medium dark, warm bronzy brown shade with shimmery finish, not satin nor metalic.
Lannister red - medium dark brown with prominent red undertone, almost a burgundy shade with matte finish. Great for defining a crease and it works well with other warm tones.
Red keep - gorgeous orange-copper metallic shade, very soft and applies well with a finger, with no fallout. 
House Lannister - light peachy matte shade, perfect as a transition shade and works well with all the other shades in the palette.

House Stark

Winterfell - treća od četiri glitteraste nijanse, srednje tamna hladnija brončana nijansa sa dosta sjajnih zlatnih glitter čestica
Winter is here - tamnija smeđa nijansa sa vidljivim ljubičastim pod tonom, sjajnog završetka. Nije ni satenska ni metalik.
The sight - predivna tamnija, smaragd zelena nijansa koja se na svjetlu presijava pomalo na sivo, rekla bih da je duochrome. Nije potpuno metalik, no ni potpuno glitterasta, ali sadrži nešto veće sjajne čestice.
Nymeria - vuk koji se ne spominje dovoljno u seriji 😂. Topla, srednje smeđa, gotovo nijansa bijele kave, mat završetka, odlična kao prijelazna i slaže se sa većinom ostalih nijansi.
Weirwood leaves - tamnija šljivasta nijansa, jedina potpuno satenska rekla bih, također se može koristiti u pregibu kapka jer se blendanjem malo izgube sjajne čestice.

Winterfell - third out of four glittery shade, medium dark, cool bronzy shade with a lot of gold shiny particles.
Winter is here - dark brown with visible purple undertone and shimmery finish. It's not satin nor metallic.
The sight - gorgeous darker emerald green which in different lights seems a bit greyish, I'd say it's duochrome. Not completely metallic, nor completely glittery, but it contains somewhat larger shiny particles.
Nymeria - the wolf which wasn't mentioned enough in the series 😂. Warm, medium grey, almost macchiato shade with matte finish, great as a transition shade and goes well with most of other shades.
Weirwood leaves - darker plum shade, the only completely satin shade I'd say, and can also be used in the crease because the shiny particles disappear a bit with blending. 

The North

Hardhome - jako svijetla, sjajna bijela nijansa sa izraženim rozim pod tonom. Kao i King's Landing odlična je za higlight u unutarnjem kutu oka ili na licu.
White walker - jako svijetla duochrome lila-plava nijansa, osim samostalno može se koristiti kao transformer nijansa.
Free folk - srebrna metalik nijansa, rekla bih klasična srebrna.
Take the black - crna nijansa mat baze, prožeta sitnim srebrnim česticama koje se izgube kad se više blenda.
Frozen north - prekrasna tamnija petrolej plava nijansa, četvrta glitterasta nijansa. Sadrži sitne i krupne sjajne čestice i divno se presijava na svjetlu.

Hardhome - very light, shimmery white shade with prominent pink undertone. Just like King's Landing, it is perfect as a higlight in the inner eye corner or on the face.
White walker - very bright duochrome lilac-blue shade, which, beside independently, can be used as a transformer shade.
Free folk - silver metallic shade, I'd say classic silver.
Take the black -  black shade with matte base, infused with tiny silver particles, which disperse when you blend it more.
Frozen north - gorgeous darker petroleum blue shade, last of the glittery shades. It contains smaller and larger shimmery particles and reflects the light beautifully.

Za danas nemam look sa ovom paletom, ali će ubrzo biti na mom Youtube kanalu.
Da zaključim, osim što paleta fizički prekrasno izgleda, sjenila su mi se jako svidjela. Kako sam na početku rekla - nisam ni sumnjala u kvalitetu Urban Decay sjenila. Iskreno, najviše su mi se svidjele glitteraste nijanse, Posebno Frozen North i Stormborn. Jedva se čekam poigrati i sa drugim kombinacijama, a sigurno ću neke objaviti na Instagramu.

Ako si želite nabaviti paletu provjerite Sephore koje su vam ili nekome vašem dostupne, a nadam se da nije svugdje rasprodana. Ja sam svoju nabavila po cijeni od 65€, pa pretpostavljam da je to neka okvirna cijena i na drugim mjestima. Vidjela sam da ju ima u Zagrebu u Mulleru, samo se nadam da nije rasprodana.

 I don't have a look for you today, but it will be soon up on my Youtube channel.
As a conclusion, besides palette looking gorgeous phisically, I really liked the shades. As I've mentioned in the beginning - I haven't doubted the quality of Urban Decay shades. Honestly, I like the glittery shade the most, especially Frozen North and Stormborn. I can't wait to play with other combinations, too, and I will definitely post some of them on my Instagram.

If you want to get this palette, chech out Sephora stores which are available to you or someone of yours, and I hope it's not sold out everywhere yet. I bought mine at a price of 65€, so I asume it is some general price in the other stores, too.

xx Stay tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

