
Eve Duet eau de parfum

by - 14.9.18

Hello, people of the internet!

Često me pitaju koji mi je najdraži parfem. Iskreno, još nisam pronašla svoj signature parfem, jer ih volim mijenjati prema raspoloženju, no uvijek me vuku teži, "začinjeniji", topliji parfemi. Danas sam odlučila pisati o parfemu koji je odličan za nas neodlučne i tu uskače Avon - Eve Duet.

People often ask me what perfume is my favorite. Honestly, I haven't found my signature perfume yet, because I like to change them according to mood, but I'm always drawn to "heavier", spicier, warmer perfumes. Today I decided to write about a perfume which is great for us indecisive people and here's where the Avon - Eve Duet jumps in.

Zanimljiva stvar je da je Eve Duet ove godine pobijedio žestoku konkurenciju osvojivši Elle Reader’s Choice For Women Award na godišnjoj dodjeli nagrada UK Fragrance Foundation Awards.
Poznata kao ‘Oscar’ mirisne industrije, ova nagrada prepoznaje samo najbolje parfeme na globalnom tržištu, što je definitivno veliki plus kako za ovaj parfem, tako i za kompaniju Avon. 

Interesting thing is that this year Eve Duet beat fierce competition by winning Elle Reader's Choice For Women Award at the annual UK Fragrance Foundation Awards.
Known as the 'Oscar' of fragrance industry, this award recognizes only the finest perfumes on the global market, which is definitely a big plus for this perfume, as well as for Avon.

Parfem, tj. parfemi, dolaze u elegantnom kartonskom pakiranju sa geometrijskim detaljima. Sami proizvodi dolaze u duo pakiranju sa zajedničkim čepom. Izgleda elegantno i pomalo futuristički. U svakoj strani dolazi 25 ml parfema, a u trenutnoj brošuri ih možete pronaći po cijeni od 33,90 KM. Jedan parfem se zove Radiant, a drugi Sensual.

The perfume, ie perfumes come in an elegant cardboard packaging with geometric details. The product themselves come in a dual packaging with a common cap. It looks elegant and a bit futuristic. Every side contains 25 ml of perfume. One perfume is called Raidant and the other one Sensual.


Radiant je žućkaste boje i malo više floralan. U gornjim tonovima se nalaze mirisi klementine i cvijeta jabuke, u srednjim su lotus, jasmin i ružičasti božur, a u donjim tonovima su jantar i mošus. Najviše se osjete miris jasmina i lotusa, no kasnije je miris jabuke najizraženiji. Ovaj je nešto svježij od svog para i po meni je više za dnevne varijante. Naravno, nitko vam ne brani da ga nosite i navečer 😉. Također, ako parfeme dijelite na godišnje doba ovaj bi bio super za proljeće.

Radiant is yellowish and slightly more floral. The top notes contain the scents of clementine and apple flower, the middle contain lotus, jasmine and pink peony, and the base notes contain amber and musk. When you first apply it the jasmine and lotus scents are most noticeable, but a bit later the scent of apple takes over. This one is a bit more fresh than its pair and in my opinion better for daytime. Of course, you can wear it in the evening if you please 😉. Also, if you categorize perfumes by season, this one is great for spring.


Sensual je blage ljubičaste boje i više topao, voćni. Gornje tonove čine bergamont i divlja šljiva, sa daškom ružičastog papra, u srednjim su lotus, jasmin i ruža, a u donjim mošus i pačuli. Kako je topliji, tako je i malo "teži" od Radianta, i meni osobni mrvicu i draži. Na prvu je slatkast, no kako se miris malo oslobodi do izražaja dolaze donji, topli tonovi i moram reći da me osvojio na prvu. On mi je više za večernje varijante i savršen za jesen i zimu.

Sensual is light purple and more warm and fruity. The top notes contain bergamont and wild plum, the middle contain lotus, jasmine and rose, and the base notes contain musk and patchouli. Being a warmer perfume it is also a bit "heavier" than Radiant, therefore right up my alley. It is sweet at first, but as the scent sets, the base, warmer notes become more noticeable and I must say it won my heart immediately. I prefer it for evenings and it is perfect for autumn and winter.

Također, oba mirisa se mogu i pomiješati i dobijete predivan voćno-cvijetni miks. Prilično se dugo zadržava na koži, a posebno u odjeći. Kad bih nanijela ili jedan ili drugi ili zajedno dobila bih mnogo komplimenata, tako da me i ne čudi da je dobio nagradu. Parfemi mi se jako sviđaju i definitivno ih preporučujem svima, a posebno neodlučnim curama poput sebe.

Further more, both fragrances can be mixed and you get gorgeous fruity-floral mix. It endures on the quite a while on the skin and especially on clothes. Every time I apply either one or both at the same time I always get a lot of compliments, so I am not surprised they won an award. I really like these perfumes and I definitely recommend them to everyone, especially to indecisive girls like myself. 
Jeste li već probali Eve Duet parfeme?
Koji je Avon parfem vaš favorit?

Have you tried Eve Duet perfumes?
What is your favorite Avon perfume?
 xx Stay tuned xx

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  1. Imam neki Avon parfem i odlican mi je. Ovaj nemam na zalost :-( a volim parfeme.
    Odlican tekst,super fotke.

    1. hvala puno :D
      avon stvaro ima dobre parfeme po povoljnim cijenama :)


Thank you for the comments :*

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

