
Born Pretty Pineapple Cuticle Oil

by - 16.6.18

Hello, people of the internet!

Mogli ste već vidjeti na blogu da sam veliki fan Born Pretty stranice i danas sam odlučila pisati o jednom njihovom novitetu. Radi se o Pineapple Cuticle Oil, tj. za vas koji ste slabiji s engleskim - Ananasovom ulju za kožicu oko noktiju. Moram priznati da pridajem dosta pažnje noktima i volim da su njegovani i zdravi. Također, obožavam isprobavati razne nijanse lakova i tehnike manikura, te samim time moji nokti i zahtjevaju malo bolju njegu.

If you've read this blog, you've probably already noticed I'm a big fan of Born Pretty website, so today I decided to write about one of their newest products. The product is Pineapple Cuticle Oil. I must confess I try to take a good care of my nails and I like them to be well-treated and healthy. Also, I love trying out different shades of polishes and different manicure techniques, therefore my nails require a bit better care.

Proizvod dolazi u jednostavnom, no zanimljivom kartonskom pakiranju na kojemu se nalazi naziv i podaci o proizvodu. Izgleda baš nekako ljetno, možda je to zbog ananasa - mene ananas uvijek podsjeća na ljeto. Sam proizvod dolazi u srebrno plastičnom pakiranju poput flomastera, točnije kao oni korektori u flomasteru što je veoma praktično. Jednostavno okrenete donji dio u smjeru kazaljke na satu i nansete na kožicu oko noktiju - bez kapanja, razlijevanja i nereda. Također je veoma praktično za putovanje jer se čvrsto zatvara i nema šanse da se razlije po unutrašnjosti torbe.

The product comes in a simple, yet interesting cardboard packaging, which contains the name and information about the product. It looks quite summery, maybe because of the pineapple - pineapple always reminds me of summer. The product itself comes in a silver plastic marker-like container. Actually,  it is reminiscent of those marker concealers, which is quite handy. You simply turn the bottom part clockwise and apply it onto the cuticle - without dripping, leaking and mess. It is also quite practical for traveling, because it seals shut tightly and there is no way it is going to leak inside a bag.

Prvo što sam  primijetila kod ovog ulja je da predivno miriše, pomalo voćno i podsijeća na žvake. Prilično je rijetko, lagane formule i prilično se brzo upija, što je veliki plus, jer u ovom modernom, užurbanom životnom stilu ne stignemo uvijek sjesti i posvetiti duže vremena njezi noktiju. Iako ja inače nemam problema sa kožicom oko noktiju, često radim sa kredama što dovodi do isušivanja kože ruku, a samim time i one oko noktiju. Ulje se trudim mazati barem jednom dnevno, te već vidim poboljšanje na koži. Izgleda zdravije i sjajnije - koliko se da primijetiti na tako maloj površini 😀.Ne znam kako bi se ponašao na jako isušenoj, oštećenoj koži, no vjerujem da bi se i tu vidjelo poboljšanje, samo bi malo duže čekali - svakako nije na odmet probati, zar ne? 😉

The first thing I noticed about this oil is a beautiful scent, kind of fruity and reminiscent of bubble gum. It has quite a runny, light formula and is absorbed rather quickly, which is a big plus, because in this fast, modern lifestyle we don't always manage to sit down and devote time to nail care. Although I don't have major problems with cuticles, I often work with chalk which leads to dry skin on my hands, and by that to dry cuticles. I try to use this oil at least once a day, and I can already see the improvement of the skin. It looks healthier and shinier - as much as can be noticed on such a small surface. 😀 I don't know what kind of effect would it have on very dry, damaged cuticles, but I believe there would be some improvement, you would only have to wait for little longer - it doesn't hurt to try, right? 😀

Mislim da je ovo ulje zaista dobra stvarčica, te ako tražite nešto praktično, ne puno masno, a opet hranjivo definitivno bacite oko na ovo ulje - LINK.
Također i ove naljepnice sam naručila sa Born Pretty stranice. Radi se o vodenim naljepnicama koje je i više nego lagano koristiti, a ponudu možete pogledati ovdje - LINK.

I think this is a really good thing, and if you are looking for something hand, not too greasy, but still nourishing  definitely check this oil out - LINK
Also, these nails stickers are also from Born Pretty website. These are water decals which are more than easy to use, and you can check their range here - LINK

xx Stay tumed xx

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