Deborah Milano: Perfest Smokey Eye palette
Hello, people of the internet!
I know, I know... the last post was published a month ago. Time, ie a lack of the same, is the main culprit for it, and the piled up obligations were of no help. Nevertheless, I managed to grab some free time and decided to continue a series of product reviews which have been waiting to be published for a very long time. Today, Deborah Milano Perfect Smokey Eye palette got its turn.
Kao što možete vidjeti, paletica dolazi u jednostavnom, no prilično čvrstom, plastičnom pakiranju. Na njemu ćete pronaći sve informacije vezane za proizvod, kratke upute kako koristiti nijanse, a listu sastojaka možete vidjeti kada odlijepite naljepnicu na poleđini. Redovna cijena joj je oko 21 KM no često bude na akciji - trenutno je u CM-u možete naći za 14,90 KM.
As you can see, the palette comes in a simple, yet quite sturdy, plastic packaging. You can find all the information about the products and short instructions on how to use eye shadows on it, and the list of ingredients can be found under the sticker on the back.
Ove paletice dolaze u 10 različitih varijanti, a kod mene se našla ona pod brojem 02. U paletici ćete dobiti pet sjenila s kojima možete napraviti potpuni look. Sjenila variraju od mat, preko satenskih do iznimno shimmerastih sa krupnijim šljokicama, ovisno o kojoj se paleti radi. U mom primjerku je jedno sjenilo mat, dok su ostala sjajna - dva imaju malo više sjajnih čestica, a druga dva nešto manje. Sjenila su jako mekana i dobro pigmentirana, te se jako lijepo blendaju. Truse se, no ne previše - više se truse u pakiranju nego pri nanošenju na kapke. U pakiranju ćete dobiti i mali spužvasti aplikator koji nije potpuno neupotrebljiv - ova manja strana fino sjedne u unutarnji kut oka i dobra je za nanošenje highlight nijanse. Ono što mi malo smeta kod ove palete je što su sjenila prilično uska i blizu jedno drugoga pa se često pomiješaju pri korištenju.
These palettes come in 10 different combos, and I've got the one under the number 02. You will get five shades in the palette, which are sufficient for creating a full eye look. The shades vary from matte, over satin to rather shimmery ones with larger sparkles, depending on the palette. In my sample there is one matte, while other ones are shimmery - tho of which contain more shiny particles than the other two. The eye shadows are very soft and well pigmented, and they blend quite nicely. They've got some kickback, but not too much - there is more kickback in the packaging than while applying on the lids. There is also a little sponge applicator in the palette, which is not entirely unusable - the smaller side is quite good for applying highlight into the inner corner of the eye. The thing I mind a bit is that shade pans are quite narrow and close to each other, so they often mix during usage.
Nijanse nemaju nazive pa ću ih ja predstaviti po brojevima s lijeva na desno.
1 - najsvjetlija nijansa u paleti je ujedno i jedina mat. Radi se o veoma svijetlo rozoj, gotovo bijeloj, nijansi. Ona je super kao bazna nijansa, ali i kao mat higlight u unutarnje kutu oka i ispod obrve.
2 - srednje svijetla, puderasto roza nijansa sa izraženim sjajnim česticama. Ja ju najčešće koristim na središnjem dijelu kapka.
3 - srednje tamna, berry-mauve nijansa - ili čak ju boja mesa najbolje opisuje. Iako je u pakiranju sjajna, te sjajne čestice nisu jako izražene, a blendanjem se gotovo izgube, tako da dobro dođe za pregib, a ponekad ju koristim preko cijelog kapka.
4 - također nijansa koja izgleda sjajnije u pakiranju nego na swatch-u ili na kapku. Radi se o srednje tamnoj hladnoj smeđoj sa jako izraženim zelenim podtonom. Kod nje se također sjajne čestice gube blendanjem i dobra je za vanjski kut oka i definiciju pregiba kapka.
5 - zadnja nijansa je svijetla, hladna šampanj nijansa sa izraženim sjajnim česticama. Kao i nijansu br.2, volim ju koristiti na sredini ili u na unutarnjoj polovini kapka.
The shades don't have names so I will present them in numbers from left to right.
1 - the lightest shade in palette is also the only matte one. It is a very light pink, almost white, shade. It works well as a base shade, but also as a matte highlight in the inner corner of the eye or on the brow bone.
2 - medium light, powdery pink shade with distinct shiny particles. I usually use it in the middle of the eyelid.
3 - medium dark, berry mauve shade - better yet, the color of flesh. Although it looks shiny in the packaging, its shiny particles aren't so distinct and they almost disappear with blending, so it works great in the crease and sometimes I use it over the entire eyelid.
4 - another shade that looks shinier in the packaging than in swatch or on eyelids. It is a medium dark, cool brown shade with a very pronounced green undertone. Its shiny particles also disappear with blendin and it works well in the outer eye corner or for defining the crease.
5 - the last shade is a light, cool champagne shade with quite distinct shiny particles. Like the shade no.2, I like to use it in the middle or in the first half of the eyelid.
Kako sam već spomenula, paletica vam zaista omogućuje da napravite kompletan look na očima, a evo kako sam ju ja iskombinirala.
As I've already mentioned, this palette contains enough shades to create a complete eye look, and here is how I used it.
U svakom slučaju, paletica je jako dobra i ja ju često koristim. Ovu srednju nijansu, br.3, ponekad koristim i za obrve. Ako želite praktičnu paleticu, mislim da su ove od Deborah dobar izbor. U slučaju da niste ljubitelj roskastih nijansi, predlažem one pod brojevima 01 i 09, jer one sadrže neutralnije tonove.
Anyhow, the palette is very good and I use it quite often. I sometimes use the middle shade, no.3, for eyebrows, too. If you are looking for practical palette, I think these Derborah ones are a great choice. In case you're not a fan of pinky shades, I recommend ones under the numbers 01 and 09, because they contain more neutral tones.
Jeste li već probali Deborah palete sjenila?
Have you already tried Deborah eye shadows?
xx Stay tuned xx
Thank you for the comments :*