Body & soul makeup sponges and brushes

by - 26.1.18

Hello, people of the internet.

Kako sam zadnjih par postova iskopala iz arhive, odlučila sam nastaviti slijed i napisati dojmove Body & Soul makeup spužvicama i četkicama. Body & Soul je Müller-ov brend kozmetike i kozmetičkih pomagala, kao što je Balea za DM. Imaju zaista velik izbor četkica no ja sam se odlučila za dvije - za konturiranje i highlighter, a uz njih sam uzela i spužvice za makeup, čisto da probam. Svoje primjerke sam kupila prošle godine u siječnju pri posjeti Beču - kako sam rekla, čekali su u arhivi. Prije toga nisam čitala niti jednu recenziju o njima, tako da nisam uopće imala ikakvih očekivanja.

Since my last couple of posts were dug from the archive, I've decided to maintain the sequence and write about my impressions of Body & Soul makeup sponges and brushes. Body & Soul is
Müller's brand of cosmetics and cosmetic accessories, as Balea is DM's brand. They have a really great selection of brushes, but I decided to buy just two - contouring and highlighting ones, and I also bought makeup sponges, just to try them out. I bought my samples last year in January while visiting Vienna - as I mentioned, they've waited in the archives. Before I bought them, I hadn't read any reviews, so I didn't have any expectations.

Makeup spužvice / Makeup sponges

Velika spužvica: 
Kao što možete vidjeti na prvoj fotografiji, stiže u pakiranju od mekane plastike, kao i većina takvih proizvoda. Na prvu mi se učinila da bi mogla zapravo biti dobra za nanošenje pudera, no odmah na početku da kažem - totalno me razočarala. Iako sam više osoba koja voli četkice za nanošenje šminke, volim nekim proizvodima dati šansu. Nisam probala originalni Beauty Blender, niti Real Techniques spužvicu, pa vam ne mogu usporediti - a sudeći po njihovim recenzijama po internetu, mislim da su neusporedivi. Prilično je tvrda, kada se smoči uopće ne promijeni niti svoj izgled, niti mekoću (mislim, tvrdoću). Prilično traljavo nanese proizvod, tako da neću puno duljiti o njoj - moja preporuka je da preskočite ovaj proizvod. Bacila sam ju nakon dva korištenja. Mislim da je koštala oko 2 €.

Big sponge:
As you can see in the first photo, it comes in a packaging made of soft plastic, like most of those kind of products. At first I thought it might actually be good for applying foundation, but let me say it right at the beginning - it completely disappointed me. Although I am more of a person who likes applying their foundation with a brush, I like to give different products a chance. I haven't tried the original Beauty Blender, nor Real Techniques sponge, so I can't compare them - but judging by their reviews online, I think they are incomparable. It is quite stiff, when dampened it doesn't change its shape at all, nor its softness (well, stiffness). It applies the product quite messy, so I won't write about it any longer - I recommend you skip this product completely. I threw it after two uses. I think it costed around 2 €.
Suha spužvica / dry sponge
Vlažna spužvica / damp sponge

Male spužvice:
Male spužvice su također došle u mekanom plastičnom pakiranju i one su namijenjene za nanošenje korektora. Za razliku od veće spužvice, ove male su me oduševile. Na prvi dodir možete osjetiti da je materijal potpuno drugačiji od velike četkice, puno je mekši i više se osjeti spužva nego guma (ako to ima imalo smisla). Kada ih navlažite gotovo se uduplaju i tada budu još mekše. Ja sam ih najviše koristila na području oko očiju i super legnu u taj prostor. Dobro legnu i u područje oko nosa, koji je četkicama ponekad težak za dokučiti. Jako dobro su mi se pokazali i za setiranje područja oko očiju, a mogu se koristiti i za "baking" tehniku. Ne popiju nešto previše proizvoda i jako ga lijepo izblendaju, a i prilično se lako očiste. Ove spužvice, za razliku od velike, zapravo rade posao za koji su namijenjene i imaju moju preporuku. Njihova cijena je 2,49 €. 

Small sponges:
Small sponges also came in the soft plastic packaging and their purpose is a concealer application. Unlike the big sponge, these blew me away. At first touch you can feel the material is completely different than one of the big one, it is much softer and it feels more like a sponge and less like a rubber (if that makes any sense). When dampened, they almost double in size and become even softer. I mostly use them in the under-eye area and they fit great into there. They also fit great into the area around the nose, which is sometimes difficult to reach with a brush. They proved to be great for setting the under-eye area, and they can also be used for "baking" technique. They don't suck too much product in and they blend it very well, and they are quite easy to clean. These sponges, unlike the big one, actually do the job they are intended for and they have my recommendation. Their price is 2,49 €.
 Suhe spužvice / dry sponges
Ljubičasta spužvica je vlažna, bijela je suha / Purple sponge is damp, white is dry

Makeup četkice / makeup brushes

Jako mi se sviđa što četkice dolaze u plastičnom pakiranju, čiji je zatvarač dodatno pričvršćen plastičnom trakicom, tako da možete biti sto posto sigurni da ih nitko nije dirao prije vas. Vlakna su sintetička, no veoma mekana i sviđa mi se njihov "duo-fiber" izgled. 

I really like that these brushes come in a plastic packaging, and it has an additional plastic strip attached to a fastener, so you can be a hundred percent sure no one had touched it before you. The bristles are synthetic, but quite soft and I like their "duo-fiber" look.

Četka za konturiranje:
Ova četka je uska i zakrivljeno rezana i super sjedne ispod jagodičnih kostiju. Taj njen zakrivljeni oblik nije baš najpraktičniji kada treba pokupiti proizvod, jer samo jedan dio četke zapravo pokupi proizvod - i to je većinom viši dio. Također treba biti oprezan jer može pokutpiti previše proizvoda, pa savjetujem da imate laganu ruku pri korištenju. Fino nanese proizvod na lice, no zbog svog oblika i gusto nabijenih vlakana nije baš najbolja za blendanje, no meni tu u pomoć priskoči četka za bronzer. Može se koristiti za kremaste i praškaste proizvode, a posebno je dobra ako želite jače, izraženije konture za neki dramatičniji look - i tako ju ja koristim. Za dnevne, laganije konture ipak posežem za nešto "čupavijom" četkom. Njena cijena je 4,49 €

This brush is quite narrow and curved cut, and it sits well in the area under the cheekbones. Its curved shape is not the most practical when it comes to picking up the product, because only one part of the brush actually picks it up - and it is usually the higher part. Also, you should be careful because it can pick too much of the product up, so I advise using with light hand. It applies the product nicely onto the face, but due to its shape and densely packed fibers, it is not that good for blending, but I do it with the help of the bronzing brush. It can be used for both creamy and powdery products, and it is especially good if you want some stronger, more pronounced contouring for some more dramatic look - that's how I use it. For lighter, day-time contouring I rather use some fluffier brush. It's price is 4,49 €

Četka za highlighter:
Četka je kupolastog oblika, srednje gusto nabijenih vlakana i jako mekana. Za razliku od četke za konturiranje ne pokupi previše proizvoda i s njom ga lako možete nadograditi. Kupolasti oblik joj omogućuje da pokrije veću površinu lica, no laganom rukom i samim vrhom četkice se može koristiti za preciznije nanošenje. Ova četkica mi se svidjela na prvo korištenje! Ne samo mekoćom, nego što jako lijepo nanese highlighter na jagodične kosti. Također, s njom je lako nanijeti i highlighter na nos i iznad usne. Još jedna stvar u kojoj je ova četkica dobra je setiranje područja ispod očiju. Zbog svog obilika odlično legne u ta udubijenja i možete biti sigurni da će proizvod doprijeti do svih željenih dijelova. Ova četkica ima moju toplu preporuku i definitivno si moram nabaviti još koji primjerak. Njena cijena je 3,49 €.

Highlighting brush:
The brush is dome shaped, has semi-densely packed fibers and it is  quite soft. Unlike the contouring brush it doesn't pick up too much product and you can easily intensify it. Its dome shape allows it to cover a larger face area, but with light touch and just the tip of the brush you can use it for more precise application. I liked this brush at first usage! It's not just its softness that blew me away, but it applies the highlighter so nicely onto the cheekbones. Also, it is easy to apply highlighter more precisely onto the nose and cupid's bow. Another thing which this brush is really good for is setting the under-eye area. Because of its shape it sits nicely into those dents and you can be sure that the product will reach all desired parts. This brush has my warm recommendation and I definitely have to buy a couple more of them. Its price is 3,49 €.

Sve u svemu, ovom kupnjom sam zadovoljna. Od četiri proizvoda samo mi se velika spužvica baš nije svidjela, a male spužvice i četka za highlighter su me oduševile. Četka za konturiranje nije loša, no nije nešto što mi je prijeko potrebno - ali neka se nađe u kolekciji. Mislim da Body & Soul ima još četkica koje vrijedi isprobati i definitivno ću morati nabaviti još neke.

All in all, I'm quite pleased with this purchase. Out of four products I really didn't like only the big sponge, and small sponges and highlighting brush blew me away. The contouring brush is not bud, but it is not something that is absolutely necessary - but it is good to have just in case. I think Body & Soul have a lot more brushes worth of trying out and I will definitely have to purchase some more of them. 
Jeste li već isprobali Body & Soul proizvode?

Have you already tried Body & Soul products?

xx Stay tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

