
Born Pretty nail art bundle #1

by - 12.9.16

Hello there!

U zadnjem New In postu ste mogli vidjeti kakve su se to nove stvarčice našle u mom posjedu, a danas vam izdvajam ovaj paketić sa Born Pretty stranice. Vjerujem da svi već znate da je ova stranica najpoznatija po stvarima za nail art, no nađe se tu i svašta nešto zanimljivo. Ovaj put sam izabrala pločicu za pečatiranje, veliki jelly pečat i strugalicu i "tunele" za uši, a fini ljudi iz BP su mi poslali i dvije male strugalice.

In the last New In post you could see all the new things that came to my possesion, and today I am singling out these goodies from Born Pretty website. I believe all of you already know that this site is most famous for its nail art supplies, but there are a lot of interesting things too. This time I chose a stamping plate, big jelly stamper and scraper and ear plugs, and nice people from BP sent me two little scrapers too.

Tuneli/plugovi za uši
Tunnels/ear plugs

U New In postu sam navela kako imam proširene rupe u ušima, pa sam odlučila da probam plugove sa ove stranice. Rupe nisu jako velike, pa sam pretpostavila da će mi veličina od 5 mm biti dobra - i nisam se prevarila. Plugovi su čvrsti, napravljeni od nehrđajućeg metala i na vanjskom rubu imaju cirkončiće, koji nisu pretjerano blještavi, ali opet čine plugove pomalo girly. Otkako su mi stigli, samo njih nosim. Nisu mi izazvali nikakve probleme i jako fino izgledaju na ušima, a možete ih naći na ovom linku - http://www.bornprettystore.com/tunnels-expanders-multi-size-plugs-tapers-stretcher-p-23643.html

I mentioned in New In post that I have explanded earlobe holes, so I decided to try out plugs from this site. The holes are not that large, so I assumed that the 5 mm size will be good for me - and i wasn't wrong. The plugs are solid, made of stainless steel and they have little gemstones on the outer rim, which are not overly flashy, but they look a bit girly. Ever since they arrived I wear them all the time. They haven't caused any issues and they look quite nice on the ears, and you can find them on this link -http://www.bornprettystore.com/tunnels-expanders-multi-size-plugs-tapers-stretcher-p-23643.html

Sljedeći su dodaci za nail art. 

Next are nail art supplies.

Pločica za pečatiranje
Stamping plate

Pošto je ljeto već bilo počelo, odlučila sam se za pločicu sa ljetnim motivima i izbor je pao na ovu - BP 23. Kao i sve njihove pločice, i ova je čvrste izrade i dubokih reljefa. Iako je malena, sadrži 8 reljefa koje možete kombinirati na mnogo načina. Jako sam zadovoljna pločicom, a najčešće sam koristila gornja tri dizajna. Pločicu možete pronaći na ovom linku - http://www.bornprettystore.com/ocean-theme-nail-stamp-template-image-plate-born-pretty-bp23-p-17204.html

Since summer had already started, I decided to get a stamping plate with summer motifs and I chose this one - BP 23. As all of their plates, this too is well made with deep reliefs. Although small, it contains 8 reliefs, which can be used in many ways. I am quite pleased with this plate, and I mostly used upper three designs. Plate can be found on this link - http://www.bornprettystore.com/ocean-theme-nail-stamp-template-image-plate-born-pretty-bp23-p-17204.html

Pečat i strugalica
Stamp and scraper

Do sada sam radila s malim pečatima, no kako su mi nokti rasli bilo mi je potrebno nešto veće, pogotovo za palčeve, tako da je izbor pao na ovaj veliki prozirni jelly pečat. Tijelo pečata je prilično čvrsto i "glava" fino ulegne u njega, no zatvarač je nešto tanji i treba ga lagano zatvarati. Kroz njega fino možete vidjeti dizajn koji stavljate na nokat, što uveliko olakšava posao, a jelly glava fino pokrije i  preslika dizajn na nokat. 
Strugalica koja dođe uz njega je napravljena od tanje, elastične plastike. Dovoljan je lakši pritisak da strugalica lijepo povuče lak preko reljefa pločice. Moram priznati da sam nepažnjom malo oštetila pečat - malo laka se našlo na donjem dijelu pečata, onome kroz koji gledam, te sam ga ja pokušala očistiti acetonom, a to je samo zamutilo plastiku i smanjilo vidljivost, pa vam preporučujem da ne ponavljate moju grešku. Osim toga, i pečat i strugalica su odlični i uveliko su mi olakšali pečatiranje, a možete ih pronaći na ovom linku - http://www.bornprettystore.com/2pcsset-clear-marshmallow-silicone-jelly-stamper-with-nail-stamper-scraper-p-26498.html

So far I have worked with smaller stamps, but as my nails started to grow I needed something bigger, especially for thumbs, so the choice fell on this big transparent jelly stamp. The body of the stamp is quite firm and the "head" fits nicely into it, but the cap is somewhat thinner and needs to be pressed lightly when closing. You can see through it nicely when you apply the design onto nails, which makes the work much easier, and jelly head covers and applies design onto the nail well. Scraper that comes with it is made of thin, elastic plastic. A light pressure is needed for scraper to spread the polish nicely over reliefs of the plate. I must confess I have inadvertently damaged the stamp a bit - a bit of polish dropped on the lower side of the stamp, the one I look through, so I tried to clean it with polish remover, but that just blurred the plastic and reduced visibility, so I recommend for you not to repeat my mistake. Except that, both stamp and scraper are great and they made nail stamping way easier, and you can find them on this link - http://www.bornprettystore.com/2pcsset-clear-marshmallow-silicone-jelly-stamper-with-nail-stamper-scraper-p-26498.html

Male strugalice
Small scrapers

Ove dvije male strugalice su mi stigle kao gratis. Nešto su čvršće i deblje od stugalice koja je došla uz jelly pečat. Iskreno, što se tiče velikih i plitkih reljefa, tanka strugalica bolje odradi posao od njih. No što se tiče manjih, dubljih reljefa ove strugalice su se pokazale bolje. Tanja strugalica dosta često nejednako povuče lak u takvim reljefima, ili povuče samo do pola, dok ove to malo bolje odrade - vidjet ćete na primjerima na papiru. Link za njih -

These two little scrapers came as gratis. They are somewhat firmer and thicker than the scraper which arrived with the stamp. Honestly, when it comes to big, shallow reliefs, the thin scraper does better job. When it comes to smaller, deeper reliefs these little scrapes have proven better. The thinner scraper often draws the polish unevenly in these types of reliefs, or draws it only up to half, while these do it better - you will see on the exapmles on paper. Link -
Lijevo - tanka strugalica, desno - mala strugalica
Tanka strugalica / thin scraper
Mala strugalica / small scraper

 Ja sam stvarčicama jako zadovoljna. Pločica je ovo ljeto bila dosta u upotrebi, jelly pečat je postao moj glavni saveznik u izradi nail arta, a plugovi su dobili počasno mjesto u mojim ušima. Ako već niste naručivali sa Born Pretty stranice, onda je sada pravo vrijeme za to. Nema veze ako niste stručni u nail artu - na stranici ćete sigurno pronaći nešto za sebe, poštarina je besplatna, a možete koristiti i moj kod za 10 % popusta :)

I am very happy with these goodies. The stamping plate was in use a lot this summer, jelly stamp has become my main ally in nail art, and the plugs got a honorable place on my ears. If you haven't ordered from Born Pretty site yet, now is the time to do it. It doesn't matter if you're not a nail art expert - I'm sure you will find something for yourself on this site, the shipping is free, and you can use my 10% discount code :)

A evo i jedna manikura sa detaljima sa pločice :)

And here is a manicure with details from stamping plate :)

xx Stay Tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

