Sweater Weather tag
Mislim da sam već nekoliko puta spomenula kako volim tag postove i uvijek me razveseli kad me netko tagira. Ovaj put (kao i mnogo drugih puta) je to bila Mila s bloga Glee Tree 92 i hvala joj na tome.I think I have already mentioned a few times that I like tag posts, and it always cheers me up when someone tags me. This time (as well as many other) it was Mila, the author of Glee Tree 92 and I thank her for that.
Favorite candle scent?
Obožavam miris cimeta, tako da se najčešće takve svijeće nađu u mom posjedu. No volim i miris čokolade, iako ju ne jedem puno, i kave. 
I love the smell of cinnamon, so you can usually find that kind of candles in my possesion. But I also like the smell of chocolate, although I eat very little of it, and coffee.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Predivni crni otrov - ili ti kava!
Mogu slobodno reći da sam ovisna o kavi. Ako ne popijem dnevnu dozu, odmah me boli i glava i nervozna sam i najradije bih nekoga ubila.
The glorious black poison - aka coffee!
I can honestly say that I am a coffee addict. If I don't have my daily dose, I immediately get headache and become nervous and I feel like killing someone.
The glorious black poison - aka coffee!
What's the best fall memory you have?
Hmmm....nemam neku posebnu, no kad pomislim na jesen uvijek se sjetim kada bi išli kod bake na selo blizu Imotskog. Kada na internetu vidite one savršene slike jeseni, sa svim mogućim bojama - tako izgleda taj kraj. Ja sam uvijek voljela ići u šumu, kao mala bih sate provodila u šumi i na dvrveću.
A naravno tu je bilo i neizostavno valjanje u lišću.
Hmmm....I don't have a particular one, but when I think of autumn I remember when we used to go to visit my grandma in a village near the town of Imotski. When you see those perfect autumn pictures on the internet, with all the colors - that's how that village looks like. I've always loved to go into the forest, and as a child I used to spend hours in there and on trees.
And, of course, there was inevitable rolling in the leaves.
Oboje. Bez winged linera ne izlazim, a tamne usne - well, duhh!
Why not both? I don't go out without the winged eyeliner, and dark lips - well, duhh!
I usually don't even notice that there is autumn in this area, because we switch to boots right out of sandals. This year we got lucky so we experienced it, not ugly and gray, but warm, sunny and full of colors.
Black sweater from Calliope. I bought couple of the same type, that's how much I like it hahaha.
Hmmm....I don't have a particular one, but when I think of autumn I remember when we used to go to visit my grandma in a village near the town of Imotski. When you see those perfect autumn pictures on the internet, with all the colors - that's how that village looks like. I've always loved to go into the forest, and as a child I used to spend hours in there and on trees.
Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged liner?
Oboje. Bez winged linera ne izlazim, a tamne usne - well, duhh!
Why not both? I don't go out without the winged eyeliner, and dark lips - well, duhh!
Best fragrance for fall?
Prvo, ja i nisam neki tip od parfema, barem nemam neki svoj "signature" parfem. Drugo, i ove što koristim ne dijelim na godišnje doba. Mogu samo reći koji mi je trenutno naj - a to je Calvin Klein Euphoria.
First of all, I'm not a perfume type, more preciselly - I don't have my "signature" perfume. Secondly, I don't categorize them by season. I can only say which one is my favorite at the moment - ant it is Calvin Klein Euphoria.
First of all, I'm not a perfume type, more preciselly - I don't have my "signature" perfume. Secondly, I don't categorize them by season. I can only say which one is my favorite at the moment - ant it is Calvin Klein Euphoria.
Favorite Fall meals?
Još jedna stvar koju ne dijelim na godišnja doba
. Jedem što mi se jede u bilo koje godišnje doba.
Yet another thing I don't categorize by season
. I eat what I like regardless of season.
Yet another thing I don't categorize by season
What is autumn weather like where you live?
Inače ovdje ni ne primjetim da ima uopće jeseni, jer odmah iz sandala uskačemo u čizme. Ove godine nam se posrećilo pa smo je doživjeli, ne sivu i ružnu, već toplu, sunčanu i punu boja. 
I usually don't even notice that there is autumn in this area, because we switch to boots right out of sandals. This year we got lucky so we experienced it, not ugly and gray, but warm, sunny and full of colors.
Most worn sweater?
Crni džemper iz Calliope. Kupila sam par istih koliko mi se svidio hahaha.
Black sweater from Calliope. I bought couple of the same type, that's how much I like it hahaha.
Must have nail polishes for fall?
Opet, ne biram lakove za nokte prema godišnjem dobu. No ipak me nekako šljivaste/ljubičaste nijanse podsjećaju na jesen.
Again, I don't categorize nail polishes by season. But the purple/plum shades remind me of autumn the most.
Again, I don't categorize nail polishes by season. But the purple/plum shades remind me of autumn the most.
Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Ah...nekoć sam se voljela valjati u lišću, sad radije pogledam tekmu. 
Ah...I used to love rolling in the leaves, now I rather watch a footbal match.
Ah...I used to love rolling in the leaves, now I rather watch a footbal match.
Skinny jeans or leggins?
Oboje, ali češće biram skinny jeans. Toplije su. 
Both, but I wear skinny jeans more often. They are warmer.
Both, but I wear skinny jeans more often. They are warmer.
Combat boots or Uggs?
Combat boots, tj. marte. Uvijek! Uggsice baš baš ne volim. To su za mene kućne papuče.
Combat boots, ie. Doc Martens. Always! I really dislike Uggs. They are slippers in my opinion.
Combat boots, ie. Doc Martens. Always! I really dislike Uggs. They are slippers in my opinion.
Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
Nisam probala. Ali volim juhu od bundeve. 
I haven't tried. But I like pumpkin soup.
I haven't tried. But I like pumpkin soup.
Favorite fall TV show?
Dosta serija koje pratim puste novu sezonu na jesen - Family Guy, Simpsons, NCIS, South Park...itd. Tako da nema baš posebna serija ili show vezan za jesen.
A lot of series I watch release a new season in autumn - Family Guy, Simpsons, NCIS, South Park ...etc, so I don't really have a particular autumn TV series or shows.
A lot of series I watch release a new season in autumn - Family Guy, Simpsons, NCIS, South Park ...etc, so I don't really have a particular autumn TV series or shows.
What song really gets you into the fall spirit?
Definitivno "This is Halloween" od Danny Elfmana, tj. originalna verzija za Nightmare Before Christmas. I opet - ne mjenjam ni glazbu prema godišnjem dobu. Iako, u zadnje vrijeme mi najviše odgovaraju vikinške/folk metal melodije.
Definitively "This is Halloween" by Danny Elfman, ie. the original version for Nightmare Before Christmas. And again - I don't categorize music by seaseon. Although, lately I've been enjoying mostly viking/folk metal tunes.
Definitively "This is Halloween" by Danny Elfman, ie. the original version for Nightmare Before Christmas. And again - I don't categorize music by seaseon. Although, lately I've been enjoying mostly viking/folk metal tunes.
I to bi bili moji odgovori na ova jesenska pitanja
Hvala Mili još jednom što me tagirala. Ja neću nikoga tagirati već pozivam sve koji nisu napisali ovaj tag da to naprave. 
And these are my answers to the autumn questions.
I'd like to thank Mila once more for tagging me. I won't tag anyone, but I'd like to invite everyone who haven't written this tag post to do so. 
Volite li vi jesen? Koje vam je omiljeno godišnje doba?
Imamo li nešto zajedničko?
Do you like autumn? What is your favorite season?
Do we have something in common?
Do you like autumn? What is your favorite season?
Do we have something in common?
xx Stay Tuned xx
OBOZAVAM jesen! :) Ova jesen nam je bila jako lepa, suncana i ne tako hladna tako da sam bas uzivala :) Inace, mislim da sam jedina osoba koja skoro svakoga dana pije kafu a ne mogu da postanem zavisnik :D Bukvalno kafu pijem samo u kaficu, kuci se nikada ne setim da je skivam :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiOva je jesen fina, ali evo danas ima snijega i odma mi pokvari raspoloženje XD
IzbrišiUh ja svaki dan kavu moram pit po nekoliko puta. Inače kaos XD
Kako volim ovaj crtani :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNightmare before Christmas? Predobar je :D i za Halloween i za Božić :D
Izbrišihehe, super post :D
OdgovoriIzbrišikava naša draga <3
voljela bih više boraviti u prirodi kad je jesen, a upravo sam u tom periodu najviše zauzeta :D
vjerujem da je kod bake prekrasno :)
Hvala ti :D
IzbrišiNišta bez kave, nema života :D
ah, meni je ova jesen bila lijepa al evo već je zima nastupila i ja samo prigovaram XD
volim jesen, a ova je baš bila krasna :D
OdgovoriIzbrišithis is halloween, this is halloween... love the song and the movie <3
a ovo me uvijek baci u prazničko raspoloženje :D
aaaaa to je predobro :D
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*