Avon Calming Effects Mattifying foundation*
Nedavno sam bila u potrazi za tekućom podlogom... pardon, ispravak - ja sam uvijek u potrazi za tekućom podlogom. Najveći razlog tomu je što u gotovo svakoj drogeriji u koju uđem imaju podloge samo za tamne ljude. Pronaći nijansu dovoljno svijetlu za moj ten je gotovo pa nemoguća misija. A ako se to nekim čudom dogodi, vrlo često povuku te nijanse ili te tekuće podloge iz prodaje. U slučaju da ovaj post nekako dospije do očiju menadžera lokalnih drogerija - apeliram da počnete uvoziti svjetlije nijanse podloga. Hvala!
Recently, I was in search of liquid foundation... sorry, correction - I am always in a search of liquid foundation. Major reason for that is that almost every drugstore I go to have foundation only for dark people. Finding a shade light enough for my skin tone is almost an impossible mission. And if, by some miracle, it happens, they very often withdraw those shades or those foundation from sale. In case this post somehow reaches the managers of local drugstores - I appeal that you start importing lighter shades of foundation. Thank you!
Recently, I was in search of liquid foundation... sorry, correction - I am always in a search of liquid foundation. Major reason for that is that almost every drugstore I go to have foundation only for dark people. Finding a shade light enough for my skin tone is almost an impossible mission. And if, by some miracle, it happens, they very often withdraw those shades or those foundation from sale. In case this post somehow reaches the managers of local drugstores - I appeal that you start importing lighter shades of foundation. Thank you!
U zadnjem paketiću divni ljudi iz Avona su me razveselili ubacivši jednu podlogu unutra, kao da su znali da je meni ponestalo. ☺ Riječ je o Calming Effects matirajućoj podlozi.
Wonderful Avon people pleasantly surprised me with the last gift bag, by throwing one foundation in, as if they knew I ran out of it. ☺ I present you Calming Effects mattifying foundation.
Wonderful Avon people pleasantly surprised me with the last gift bag, by throwing one foundation in, as if they knew I ran out of it. ☺ I present you Calming Effects mattifying foundation.
Calming Effects podloga je već odavno dio Avonove ponude, no ova matirajuća je novitet na tržištu. Kako joj i samo ime govori zavšetak joj je mat, dok je u prijašnjoj verziji završetak svjež i dewy. U katalogu je nazivaju anti-stres podlogom, koja, zahvaljujući aloji i kamilici, izglađuje kožu i osvježava ten. Podloga dolazi u 5 nijansi, a meni je stigla, na moje veliko oduševljenje, najsvjetlija u nijansi Ivory. ☺ Za swatcheve svih nijansi bacite oko na postove kod kolegica Snow White's beauty case & Makeup Arena.
Calming Effects foundation has long been a part of Avon's offer, but this mattifying one is a novelty on the market. As its name suggests the finish is matte, while the previous version has fresh, dewy finish. In the catalog it is named anti-stress foundation, which, thanks to aloe and chamomile, smoothes the skin and refreshes the complexion. Foundation comes in 5 shades, and I got, to my great delight, the brightest one in Ivory. ☺ For swatches of all shades take a look at posts of Snow White's beauty case & Makeup Arena.
Calming Effects foundation has long been a part of Avon's offer, but this mattifying one is a novelty on the market. As its name suggests the finish is matte, while the previous version has fresh, dewy finish. In the catalog it is named anti-stress foundation, which, thanks to aloe and chamomile, smoothes the skin and refreshes the complexion. Foundation comes in 5 shades, and I got, to my great delight, the brightest one in Ivory. ☺ For swatches of all shades take a look at posts of Snow White's beauty case & Makeup Arena.
Podloga stiže u kartonskom pakiranju, u kojemu se nalazi staklena bočica sa pumpicom, u kojoj se nalazi 30ml proizvoda. Standardna cijena podloge je 17,50 KM, a u trenutnom katalogu ju možete dobiti po odličnoj cijeno od 9,90KM. Lista sastojaka i ostale informacije se nalaze na kartonskom pakiranju.
Foundation comes in a cardboard packaging, in which there is a glass bottle with a pump, containing 30ml of product. List of ingredients and other information are located on the cardboard packaging.
Foundation comes in a cardboard packaging, in which there is a glass bottle with a pump, containing 30ml of product. List of ingredients and other information are located on the cardboard packaging.
Bočica je jednostavnog, ali elegantnog izgleda. Pumpica je nekim čudom izbacuje poprilično malo proizvoda, što nije nužno i negativna stvar, jer omogućuje lako doziranje bez straha da će vam "izletjeti" previše proizvoda. Meni osobno je potrebno 4-5 stisaka na pumpicu da dobijem željenu količinu.
The bottle has simple, yet elegant appearance. Pump, by some miracle, manages to eject quite little of product, which is not necessarily a bad thing, because it allows easy dosage without the fear it will "shoot out" too much product. Personally, it takes pressing the pump 4-5 times to get the desired amount.
The bottle has simple, yet elegant appearance. Pump, by some miracle, manages to eject quite little of product, which is not necessarily a bad thing, because it allows easy dosage without the fear it will "shoot out" too much product. Personally, it takes pressing the pump 4-5 times to get the desired amount.
Ivory je jako svijetla nijansa hladnog podtona. Iako sam ja neutralnog podtona, ova nijansa se fino uklopila s mojim tenom. Rijetke je teksture, te laganog do srednjeg prekrivanja, koje se može nadograditi, no ipak ne do potpunog prekrivanja. Na licu je potpuno lagan, bez osjećaja maske, te daje lijep, prirodan izgled. Ne oksidira i ne mijenja boju tokom dana. Također, podloga ima jedan lijep, blag miris, koji je kod mene plus.
Ivory is a very light shade with cold undertone. Although my undertone is neutral, this shade blended well with my complexion. Its a bit runny texture, light to medium coverage, which can be upgraded, but still not to full coverage. It is completely light on the face, without the feeling of wearing a mask, and it gives nice, natural look. It doesn't oxidize or change color during the day. Also, this foundation has nice, soft scent, which is a plus in my book.
Ivory is a very light shade with cold undertone. Although my undertone is neutral, this shade blended well with my complexion. Its a bit runny texture, light to medium coverage, which can be upgraded, but still not to full coverage. It is completely light on the face, without the feeling of wearing a mask, and it gives nice, natural look. It doesn't oxidize or change color during the day. Also, this foundation has nice, soft scent, which is a plus in my book.
Moja koža je mješovita sa masnom t-zonom, sklona manjim nepravilnostima. Kako sam već navela, zbog svog laganog do srednjeg prekrivanja neće prekriti veće nepravilnosti, no u mom slučaju lijepo surađuje sa Catrice kamuflažom, pa uz pomoć nje dođem do željenog izgleda. Završetak je mat i uz fiksiranje kamenim puderom čelo se prosije za nekih 8 sati, a lice izdrži i duže. Nisam sigurna kako bi se ponašao na jako masnoj koži, kao ni na veoma suhoj, kojoj bih preporučila Calming Effects za suhu i osjetljivu kožu.
I have combination skin with oily t-zone, prone to minor irregularities. As I've already stated, because of its light to medium coverage it will not cover major irregularities, but in my case it works well with Catrice camouflage cream, so I get a desired look with its help. Finish is matte and, by fixing with pressed powder, my forehead starts to shine after about 8 hours, and face lasts even longer. I am not sure how would it do on very oily, or on very dry skin, for which I would recommend Calming Effects for dry and sensitive skin.
Na prvoj slici su vidljive nepravilnosti koje sam spominjala, među kojima se ističe ovaj crveni gospo'n "podstanar". Podloga ga nije u potpunosti prekrila, no lijepo je ujednačila ten i dala malo zdraviji izgled. Nije mi izazvala nikakve nerede na licu, baš naprotiv, kako i samo ime kaže, umirila je i osvježila kožu. U svakom slučaju, ovo je jedna sasvim dobra podloga. Ja inače preferiram malo jače prekrivanje zbog "podstanara", no kad mi je lice u normalnijem stanju posežem za ovom. Preporučila bih ju osobama sa srednje masnom, mješovitom i normalnom kožom, bez većih nepravilnosti, te koji vole lagane podloge mat završetka. ☺
The irregularities I mentioned are visible on first picture, among which red "Mr. Subtenant" stands out. Foundation didn't cover it completely, but it balanced the complexion and gave it a healthier look. It didn't cause any mess on my face, quite contrary, as the name suggests, it soothed and refreshed the skin. In any case, this is quite a good foundation. I usually prefer a bit more coverage because of the "subtenants", but when my face is in decent state I use this foundation. I would recommend it to people with medium oily, combination and normal skin, with no major irregularities, who like light foundation with matte finish. ☺
Jeste li već probali Calming Effects matirajuću podlogu? Jeste li probali druge Avon podloge?
Have you already tried Calming Effects mattifying foundation? Have you tried other Avon foundations?
Have you already tried Calming Effects mattifying foundation? Have you tried other Avon foundations?
xx Stay Tuned xx
*Proizvod dobiveni u svrhu neplaćene recenzije. Sva mišljenja su moja i iskrena.
*Product was sent to me for the purpose of unpaid review. All the opinons are mine and honest.
Sestra i ja smo davno pocele sa koristenjem Calming Effects (obicni, ne matirajuci) i dok sam ja nastavila sa daljim eksperimentisanjem, ona ga jos uvijek koristi...
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako se ovaj matijarjuci pojavio, zeljela sam da ga probam... vec trazim "gospoje" koje se bave Avon prodajom da narucim :)
Ja nisam ovaj prijašnji probala no ovaj mi je skroz fin :D probaj :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOvaj će biti super za vrućih dana :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišida :D najviše mi se sviđa što je skroz lagan :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je cream taman nijansa :D i koristim ovaj puder jer ne tražim neko aman veliko prekrivanje,čisto samo da ujednačim ten :) i ne osjetim da ga imam :) nije težak,taman ko voli prirodniji izgled.
OdgovoriIzbrišimeni je ovaj Ivory taman :) ja sam poprilično svijetla (ne znam koliko se primjeti na slikama) pa mi treba svijetla podloga. Meni trenutno lice zarasta od strestnih podstanara pa sam još uvijek na nečem "jačem" ali čim se smiri volim koristiti ovaj puder. Kako kažeš, nije težak - baš je ugodan :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiOvu podlogu već neko vrijeme razmatram u katalozima i namjeravam da je kupim ali me stah da se ne zeznem oko nijanse pa da je nikad ne iskoristim haha.Poz :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa da, to je malo problem kod kataloške prodaje što nikad nisi suguran u nijansu, ali eto možeš kod Makeup Arene ili kod Snow pogledat swatcheve svih nijansi, realnije je nego u katalogu :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for the comments :*