Rosegal autumn wish list
Hello hello!
Došlo je vrijeme da se počnem žaliti na hladnoću. Oni koji me redovno čitaju znaju koliko ja volim sunce, ljeto i lijepo vrijeme - vjerojatno sam im i dosadila koliko puta sam to spomenula u prošlim postovima. No da moja žalba na hladnoću ne bi ostala samo to, bacila sam se u potragu za jesenskim/zimskim stvarčicama koje bi mi pomogle da se zagrijem. Vjerujem da je dosta vas upoznato sa Rosegal stranicom, a kako sam bila zadovoljna prijašnjim narudžbama odlučila sam baciti oko na njihovu ponudu i napraviti malu wish listu. Također, bacite oko na njihov odjel "New arrivals", jer oni uvijek prate trendove i izbacuju nove, zanimljive dizajne.
The time has come for me to start complaining about the cold weather. Those of you who read my posts regularly know how much I love sun, summer and nice weather - and you have probably gotten sick of how many times I've mentioned it in my previous posts. In order my complaint about the cold doesn't remain being just that, I've decided to look for autumn/winter things that might help me fight the cold. I believe most of you are familiar with Rosegal website, and since I was quite pleased with my previous orders I've decided to check out their offer and create a little wish list. Also, check out their "New arrivals" section, because they always follow trends and put out new and interesting designs.
Prva stvar koja mi padne na pamet kada pomislim na toplu odjeću je debeli džemper, tako da je to prvo što sam potražila, a posebno su me privukle džemper-haljine.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of warm clothes is a thick sweater, so that was the first thing I looked for, and I was especially drawn to sweater dresses.
Sljedeći na redu su kaputi. Moram priznati da bih najradije sve izabrala, no ova tri su se najviše istakla.
Next in line are coats. I must admit I would gladly chose all of them, but these three stole the spotlight.
I zadnje, naravno - cipele, jer tko je vidio napraviti wishlist bez cipela. 😁
The last, of course, are the shoes, because you can't simply make a wish list without shoes on it. 😁
I to bi bilo to za moju jesensku listu želja. Definitivno bacite oko na Rosegal stranicu, jer, uz to što imaju super izbor odjeće, imaju i super izbor za uređenje kuće i zanimljivih, koristnih stvarčica.
That would be it for my autumn wish list. Be sure to check out Rosegal website, because, in addition to having a great selection of clothes, they also have great home decorations and interesting, useful thingies.
xx Stay Tuned xx
Super ti je post.Lijepo pises ;)
hvala puno :)
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*