Essence: Live, laugh, celebrate
Hello, hello, hello!
Prije nekog vremena na moju adresu je stigao ovaj predivan paket Essence proizvoda povodom njihovog 15-og rođendana. 15 godina Essence uveseljava velike i male šminkoljupce, a i svojim šarenim proizvodima uljepšava police drogerija. Nisam googlala postoji li točan datum njihovog rođendana, no pretpostavljam da možemo slaviti čitavu godinu - nikada nije kasno za party, zar ne?
Some time ago, a lovely package with Essence products came to my address. The occasion was their 15th birthday. For 15 years Essence has been bringing joy to makeup lovers, big and small, and has been decorating drugstore shelves with its colorful products. I haven't googled if there's a particular date of its birthday, but I assume we can celebrate the whole year - it's never too late for a party, right?
Kako vidite i sami, stigla mi je prava party kutija - kapice, baloni, trubice - svi rekviziti potrebni za veselu zabavu - na meni je samo da obezbjedim hranu i piće, hehe. 😁 Nevezano za Essence party, ovi rekviziti će biti dobro iskorišteni. 😀
As you can see, I received a true party box - hats, balloons, toots - all the props needed for a fun party - I only need to provide food and drinks, hehe. 😁 Regardless of Essence party, these props will be put to a good use. 😀
Ova rođendanska kolekcija sadrži sedam sjenila za oči, highlighter, rumenilo, fiksirajući puder, bazu za usne, te dva pudera za usne. Uz sve to dolaze dvije prazne palete, sa osam i četiri mjesta, u koje možete ubaciti svoje najdraže proizvode. Cijena palete sa osam mjesta je 4,25 KM, a sa četiri 3,15 KM. Svi navedeni proizvodi su također 3,15 KM. Meni je stigla paletica za četiri proizvoda, a uz nju su došla tri sjenila i jedan puder za usne, koji također može poslužiti kao sjenilo ili rumenilo.
This birthday collection contains seven eye shadows, a highlighter, a blush, a fixing powder, a lip base and two lip powders. In addition, there are two empty palettes, with eight and four slots, in which you can put your favorite products. The price of the palette with eight slots is 4,25 KM / 2,17 €, and the one with four is 3,15 KM / 1,60 €. The price of all the listed products is also 3,15 KM / 1,60 €. I received a palette with four slots, as well as three eye shadows and one lip powder, which can also be used as an eye shadow or a blush.
Samo pakiranje paletice je odlično. Napravljeno je od čvrse crne plastike i čvrsto se zatvara, tako da nema straha da će se sama otvoriti pri nekom putovanju. Također, u poklopcu se nalazi prostor sa mnoštvom šarenih mikro perlica koje mogu poslužiti kao anti-stres terapija - isprobano. 😉😀 Svaki proizvod lijepo "sjedne" u udubine u paletici, pa nema straha da će vam ispasti pri korištenju.
The package of the palette is great. It is made of firm black plastic and it shuts tightly, so there is no fear it will open accidentally during some travel. Also, there is a space in the upper lid with a bunch of colorful micro beads which can serve as an anti-stress therapy - it's been tested. 😉😀 Every product "sits" nicely in the palette slots, so there is no fear they will pop out when used.
Proizvodi koji su došli uz ovu paleticu nose nazive 02 everybody dance now! (puder za usne), 06 celebrate good times, 07 the sun is shining i 03 life is beautiful (sjenila) - u paletici smješteni s lijeva na desno.
02 everybody dance now - puder za usne je vibrantne roze nijanse, dobre pigmentacije, trusi se više od sjenila, no ako se nanosi prstom to nije neki problem. Iako je namijenjen za usne ja ga nisam koristila u tu svrhu jer više volim koristiti tekuće ruževe.
06 celebrate good times - sjenilo lijepe svijetle ljubičaste, lila nijanse, sjajnog završetka, koje na određenom svjetlu ima ponekad plavkasti a ponekad rozi odsjaj. Zaista je zanimljivo. Pigmentacija je veoma dobra, trušenja gotovo i nema, a preporučujem nanošenje prstom ili vlažnom četkicom za što bolji rezultat.
07 the sun is shining - sjenilo svijetle zlatno-žute nijanse, sjajnog završetka koje može poslužiti i kao highlighter ako se nanosi veoma lagano. Kao i kod prethodne nijanse pigmentacija je veoma dobra i trušenje minimalno.
03 life is beautiful - sjenilo biserno bijele boje koje nosi odlike prethodna dva sjenila. Super je za highlight u unutarnjem dijelu oka. Također, ako ga miješate sa prethodna dva sjenila možete dobiti zanimljive highlightere za lice - naravno, nanošenje laganom rukom je ključno 😉
The product that came with this palette bear the names 02 everybody dance now! (lip powder), 06 celebrate good times, 07 the sun is shining i 03 life is beautiful (eye shadows) - placed from left to right in the palette.
02 everybody dance now - lip powder in a vibrant pink shade, the pigmentation is good, it has some more fall out than the eye shadows, but if you apply it with a finger it's not a big problem. Although it is aimed to be used on the lips I didn't use it that way because I prefer using liquid lipsticks.
06 celebrate good times - eye shadow in bright purple, lilac shade, with shimmery finish, which sometimes has blueish and sometimes pinkish reflection, depending on lighting. It is quite interesting. The pigmentation is very good, there is almost no fall out, and I recommend applying it with a finger or damp brush for a better result.
07 the sun is shining - eye shadow in golden-yellow shade, with shimmery finish which can also serve as a highlighter if applied very lightly. As with the previous shade, the pigmentation is very good and the fall out is minimal.
03 life is beautiful - eye shadow in pearly white shade which carries the same qualities as previous two. It is great for highlight in the inner eye corner. Also, if you mix it with the previous two eye shadows you can get interesting face highlighters - of course, light application is the key. 😉
Svi swatchevi su rađeni bez baze, no sjenila sam nanosila vlažnim prstom kako bih bolje prikazala nijanse - no i bez toga je pigmentacija zaista dobra. Od nijansi koje sam ja dobila se ne može kreirati cijeli look, no odlično surađuju sa drugim sjenilima. Sjajne nijanse su odlične za "podići" bilo koji look, a ova zlatno-žuta je savršena za neki praznični makeup. Iskreno, od svih mi se najviše svidjela nijansa 06, lila, jer je baš neobična. Proizvodi su zaista kvalitetni i mislim da je ova kolekcija pun pogodak od strane proizvođača - svaka čast, Essence!
All the swatches are done without a base, but I applied the eye shadows with a damp finger so I would present the shades better - but even without that the pigmentation is really good. The full look can't be created with these shades only, but they work well with the other eye shadows. Shimmery shades are great to "lift up" any look, and this golden-yellow shade is perfect for some holiday look. Honestly, out of all, I like the shade 06, the lilac one, the most, because it is really unusual. The product are of great quality and I think this collection is a hit on the producers behalf - well done, Essence!
p.s. u paketu su stigli i ovi M&M bombončići koji su, naravno, odmah bili pojedeni 😀
p.s. I also received these M&M candies in the package, which, of course, were eaten immediately 😀
Jeste li probali neki proizvod iz Essence - Live, laugh, celebrate - kolekcije?
Have you tried any products from Essence - Live, laugh, celebrate - collection?
*PR uzorci
*PR samples
*PR samples
xx Stay tuned xx
Mnogo mi se dopadaju ovi proizvodi, zaista su divni. Ove sjene su fenomenalne, a najviše mi se dopada ova prva ❤️❤️❤️
OdgovoriIzbrišiI follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog + Giveawy
Da, baš su dobre za osvježenje bilo kojeg look-a :D
IzbrišiPredivne su sjene :)
OdgovoriIzbrišidaaaa, baš su simpatične :)
IzbrišiPresladak paketic!
daaaa, baš je sladak :D pravi party paket :D
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*