
Sleek Solstice highlighting palette

by - 18.8.17

Hello, hello, hello!

Vjerujem da velika većina šminkoljubaca zna za brend Sleek, a danas vam pišem o njihovom proizvodu koji je pokupio ogromne pohvale kod beauty blogera i vlogera. Već sam spominjala kako sam veliki ljubitelj highlightera, što su sjajniji to su mi draži, te, kad sam vidila da ljudi poput Nikkie Tutorials i Jeffree Stara hvale ovu paleticu na sva zvona, znala sam da i ja to "nevjerojatno sjajno" čudo moram probati. Sleek ima nekoliko paleta highlightera u ponudi a ja sam se odlučila za onu pod nazivom Solstice.

I believe the great majority of makeup lovers know about the brand Sleek, and today I'm writing about their product which has received huge praises from beauty bloggers and vloggers. I have already mentioned I am a huge fan of higligters, the shinier the better, and, when I saw people like Nikkie Tutorials and Jeffree Star shout about this palette from the rooftops, I knew I have to try this "incredibly shiny" wonder. Sleek has several highligting palettes in their offer, and I chose the one named Solstice.

Paletica dolazi zapakovana u kartonsku ambalažu na kojoj se nalaze imena nijansi, informacije vezane za proizvod, te lista sastojaka. Paletica se sastoji od 9g proizvoda i treba ju iskoristiti u roku dvije godine. Sleek nažalost nije dostupan na području BiH, osim preko posrednika, no njihove proizvode možete nabaviti u određenim Müller poslovnicama u Hrvatskoj ili na njihovoj oficijalnoj stranici. Ja sam svoju nabavila u Mülleru u Beču i koštala je 13,99 €.

The palette comes packed into a cardboard packaging which contains names of the shades, information about the product and a list of ingredients. The palette contains 9g / 0.32oz of product and should be used within 24 months. Unfortunately, Sleek is not available in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, except through resellers, but you can purchase their products in the selected Müller shops in Croatia or on their official website. I got mine in Müller in Vienna and it cost 13,99 €.

Unutar kartonskog pakiranja se nalazi prava ljepotica! Sama paletica je napravljena od čvrste plastike, zlatne boje, te zaista izgleda prelijepo i luksuzno. Jedini problem kod te zlatne refleksivne površine je što se odmah primijete otisci prstiju. Uz highlightere u paleti se nalazi i ogledalo koje je dovoljno veliko i funkcionalno, te mala četkica koju ja uopće nisam koristila jer je prilično tvrda i nepraktična. Što se highlightera tiče, u paleti se nalazi jednan kremasti, jedan puderasti, te dva pečena. 

Inside the cardboard packaging there is a real beauty! The palette itself is made of hard plastic, in golden color, and it truly looks gorgeous and luxurious. The only problem with this golden reflective surface is that you notice the fingerprints immediately. Along with the highlighters, there is a mirror which is big enough and functional, and a little brush which I haven't used because it is quite rough and impractical. As for the highlighters, the palette contains one creamy, one powdery and two baked ones.
Nijanse nose nazive po položaju sunca - Ecliptic, Subsolar, Hemisphere i Equinox.

Ecliptic - kremasta, rose gold nijansa bisernog završetka. Može se koristiti samostalno ili kao baza za intenzivniji highlight. Pošto nisam baš ljubitelj kremastih proizvoda, ovu nijansu sam najmanje koristila. 
Subsolar - puderaste, gotovo kremaste teksture, ova nijansa je lijepa svijetlija žućkasto zlatna nijansa. Također ima biserni završetak i odlično pristaje svijetlim djevojkama kakva sam i sama. Najčešće ju koristim na nosu i ispod obrva, no često se nađe i na jagodicama samostalno. Može se nadograđivati ovisi želite li prirodniji ili nešto jači sjaj.
Hemisphere - često odbije ljude jer u pakiranju izgleda intenzivno ljubičasto, no na licu je predivna svjetlija lila nijansa, koja je također odlična za svijetlu put. Ovo je jedan od dva pečena highlightera i završetak mu je gotovo metalik. Jako je pigmentiran i dovoljna je mala količina za "wow" efekt. Ovo mi je ujedno i najdraža nijansa u paleti. 
Equinox - je drugi pečeni highlighter u paleti, lijepe breksvaste nijanse i gotovo metalik zavšetka. Nešto je manje intenzivan od Hemisphere no još uvijek prilično uočljiv na licu. Pristajao bi lijepo i svijetlijim i tamnijim tonovima kože, a ja ga volim nositi uz bronzer u ove ljetne dane. Također, ja ga često pomiješam sa Hemisphere ili Subsolar i dobijem novu, unikatnu nijansu svaki put. 

Jedino što je minus metalik highligterima je to što može naglasiti pore i nepravilnosti, pa treba biti oprezan. 

The shades are named after the position of the sun - Ecliptic, Subsolar, Hemisphere i Equinox.

Ecliptic - creamy, rose gold shade with pearl finish. It can be used separately or as a base for more intense highlight. Since I'm not really a fan of creamy products, I've used this shade the least. 
Subsolar - with powdery, almost creamy texture, this shade is a pretty light yellowish-gold shade. It also has a pearl finish and perfectly suits fair girls like myself. I mostly use it on the bridge of my nose or on the brow-bone, but sometimes I use it on my cheekbones by itself. It is buildable, depending on whether you want subtle, natural glow or slightly more intense one.
Hemisphere - people are often repelled by it because it looks intensely purple in the packaging, but on the face it is a lovely light lilac shade, which is also perfect for fair skin. This is one out of two baked highlighters and it has almost metallic finish. It is quite pigmented and the small amount is enough for a "wow" effect. This is also my favorite shade in the palette. 
Equinox - is another baked highlighter in the palette, in lovely peachy shade and with almost metallic finish. It is somewhat less intense than Hemisphere, but still pretty noticeable on the face. It would suit both fair and dark skin tones, and I like to wear it with bronzer during these summer days. Also, I often mix it with Hemisphere or Subsolar and I get a new, unique shade every time. 

The only downside of metallic highlighters is that they accentuate the pores and irregularities, so you should be careful. 
s lijeva na desno /// from left to right - Ecliptic, Subsolar, Hemisphere, Equinox
Ja paletom ne da sam oduševljena - nego sam zanemarila sve ostale highlightere u kolekciji zbog nje. Može se uklopiti u dnevne lookove, ali i osvijetliti lice u najmračnijoj noći. Jednostavno ovo je bila ljubav na prvi swatch! Vjerujem da će zadovoljiti sve ljubitelje highligtera, bilo da tražite suptilniji sjaj ili da vas vide iz svemira. 😁 Najviše odgovara osobama svijetlijeg tena, dok bi za one tamnijeg preporučila Cleo's kiss, koja sadrži zlaćane nijanse. Paleti dajem čistu peticu!

Not that I'm really pleased with this palette - but I tend to ignore all the other highlighters in my collection because of it. It can be used in daily looks, but also enlighten the face in the darkest night. It was simply the love at first swatch! I believe it will satisfy all the highlighter lovers, whether you are looking for more subtle glow or want to bee seen from space. 😁 It mostly suits people with light skin tone, while for darker ones I would recommend Cleo's kiss, which contains more golden shades. I give this palette an A+!
  Hemisphere + Equinox
Jeste li već probali nešto od Sleek-a?
Što biste vi preporučili?

Have you already tried something from Sleek?
What would you recommend?
xx Stay tuned xx

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  1. Paleta je zaista odlična, ja sam se oduševila. Mnogo volim highlightere, ali još uvijek sam
    u potrazi sa kojime da počnem ❤️❤️❤️

    Pratim te: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

    1. Paleta je bomba :D
      Za početak predlažem neki manje pigmentiran, Catrice i Essence imaju dobar izbor za male pare, također Aurini highlighteri su dobri skroz.


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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

