
Front slit dress

by - 27.6.17


Vjerujem da ste već vidjeli da su haljine sa prednjim otvorom hit ovog ljeta, tako da sam napravila i malu wish-listu sa ovim tipom haljina. Ovaj put je lista sa Rosegal web stranice. Kao i Zaful, Rosegal stranica je poznata po super izboru odjeće po povoljnim cijenama. Jednostavno bacite oko na front slit dress odijel i pogledajte izbor, a meni je za oko zapelo ovih par haljinica.

I believe most of you have noticed that front slit dresses are a hit this summer, so I created a little wish-list with this type of dresses. This time the list is from Rosegal website. As Zaful, Rosegal website is known for great range of clothes at affordable prices. Simply check out front slit dress section and look at the selection, and these couple of dresses caught my eye.

xx Stay Tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

