Choker sweater

by - 5.2.17

Hello, hello!

Zima je još uvijek u punom jeku, a s njom su u upotrebi i moji najbolji zimski prijatelji - debeli džemperi. Današnja zvijezda je choker džemper koji mi je stigao sa Zaful stranice. Vjerovatno ste primijetili trend chokera tokom zadnjih godinu dana. Iskreno, ja chokere "furam" još od osnovne škole, tako da sam ovaj trend dočekala otvorenih ruku 😃

Winter is still in its full swing, and with it my best winter friends - thick sweaters - are by my side. The star of today's post is choker sweater I ordered from Zaful web site. You have probably noticed a trend of chokers over the past year. Honestly, I've been "into" chokers ever since elementary school, so I welcomed this trend with open arms 😃

Džemper je napravljen od debelog materijala i jako je topao, što mi se odmah svidjelo. Jedinu zamjerku koju imam je da je pomalo kratak, no ne pretjerano. Pošto se može naručiti samo u jednoj veličini, a ja sam prilično visoka i očekivala sam da mi neće savršeno pristajati, no kako rekoh nije pretjerano kratak. Kao lokacija za fotografije su poslužile izložbene prostorije muzeja Albertina u Beču. Ako vas ikada put navede tamo definitivno preporučujem posjetu ovom muzeju.

The sweater is made of thick material and is very warm, what I liked immediately. The only objection I have is that it is a bit short, but not too much. Since it can only be ordered in one size, and I'm quite tall, I kind of expected it wouldn't fit me perfectly, but as I mentioned it is not too short. Gorgeous exhibition rooms of the Albertina museum in Vienna served as the location for photo-shoot. If you ever go there I definitely recommend a visit to this museum.

U svakom slučaju sam zadovoljna džemperom, a možete ga naći na ovom linku - Klik.

In any case, I am quite satisfied with this sweater, and you can find it on this link - Click

Ovdje možete pogledati cijeli asortiman džempera - klik, evo i još par koji su mi zapeli za oko.

On this link you can see their full range of sweaters - click, and here are some that caught my eye.

xx Stay Tuned xx 

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

