Kitty bag by Zaful

by - 17.1.17

Hello, hello!

Danas je na repertoaru još jedan modni post. Iskreno, uvijek sam se smatrala osobom koja ne prati trendove, često i ne primjetim što je "in", a vrlo često ono što je "in" mene i ne zanima previše. Naravno, nema ništa loše u praćenju trendova i tome da budete "in". Gradila sam svoj stil onako kako se meni sviđa i uvijek su me privlačili neobični detalji, tako da je današnja zvijezda posta upravo jedan neobičan modni detalj. 😉

Today I wanted to share yet another fashion post. Honestly, I've never considered myself a person who follows trends, a lot of times I don't even notice what is "in", and a lot of times I don't find "in" items to be very interesting. Of course, there is nothing wrong with following trends and being "in". I've formed my style the way I like it and I've always been drawn to unusual details, therefore, the star of today's post is one unusual fashion accessory. 😉

Ova preslatka torbica maca mi je stigla sa Zaful web stranice. Kao veliki ljubitelj mačaka jednostavno joj nisam mogla odoljeti. Torbicu možete pronaći na ovom linku - KLIK.

This adorable kitty bag arrived from Zaful  web site. As a big cat lover I just couldn't resist it. The bag can be found on this link - CLICK.

Moram priznati da me torbica svojom kvalitetom zaista ugodno iznenadila. Prilično je čvrsta, šavovi su jako dobro izrađeni i super mi je što se može nositi na dva načina. Što se veličine torbice tiče, ona spada u kategoriju malih, no opet je dovoljno velika da stavite dosta stvarčica u nju. Ima jednu malu pregradu i džep unutra. Ja sam uz veliki novčanik uspila i mali kišobran ubaciti, malo je bila gužva ali torbica nije izgledala pretrpano.

I must admit the quality of bag was quite a pleasant surprise. It is quite sturdy, seams are very well made and I think it's great that bag can be used in two ways. As for the size of bag, it falls under the small category, but it's still big enough to put a lot of things in it. It has one small divider and a small pocket inside. I managed to fit a small umbrella along with big wallet in it, it was a bit packed but it didn't look cluttered. 

Ne znam za vas, ali mene su one grozne zimske temprerature od -18°C bacale u očaj, tako da smo "ugodnih" -5°C iskoristili za šetnju. Ambijent Food Market restorana je odlično poslužio za fotografiranje torbice. 

I don't know about you, but those awful winter temperatures of around -18°C were making me depressed, so we used "pleasant" -5°C to go for a walk. Ambience of the Food Market restaurant served well for the bag photo-shooting.

Ja sam oduševljena torbicom, od stila do kvalitete izrade. Ako ste ljubitelj mačaka ili ako volite neobične torbice, definitivno bacite oko na Zaful  stranicu 😉 Ovdje možete pogledati njihovu ponudu torbi - KLIK

I am more than pleased with this purse, from its style to the quality of craftsmanship. If you are a cat lover, or you just like unusual bags, definitely check out Zaful  web site 😉 You can check out their bag offer here - CLICK.

Volite li vi neobične torbice?

Do you like unusual bags?

xx Stay Tuned xx

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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

