Born Pretty stamping plate + Evenstar necklace
Nedavno je na moju adresu stigao paketić s Born Pretty store stranice u kojemu se nalazila jedna pločica za pečatiranje i jedna predivna ogrlica. Već sam spomenula kako sam se zaljubila u njihove pločice za pečatiranje i da mi je ta tehnika postala nova opsesija.
I recently recieved a package from Born Pretty store website which contained one stamping plate and one gorgeous necklace. I have already mentioned that I am in love with their stamping plates and this technique has become my obsession.
Pločica BP - L016 dolazi u kartonskom pakiranju, poput džepa, koje je ukrašeno raznobojnim cvjetnim dizajnom. Izgleda baš girly. Svaka njihova pločica dolazi sa zaštitnom folijom preko uzoraka za pečatiranje. Metalni dio je čvrsto zalijepljen za tvrđi kartonski dio koji spriječava curenje laka svugdje okolo pločice i njeno klizanje po površini radnog stola.
Plate BP - L016 comes in a cardboard packaging, like a pocket, decorated with colorful floral design. It looks very girly. Each of their plate comes with a protective foil over the stamping patterns. Metal part is firmly glued to the firm cardboard part which prevents leakage of nail polish everywhere around the plate and plate sliding over the surface of the desk.
Reljefi su prilično duboki i uzorci se lako prenose na željenu površinu. Za prekrivanje cijelog nokta koristim pečat sa silikonskom "jelly" glavom. Za manje uzorke može poslužiti i onaj sa "običnom" gumenom glavom, no ja i za to koristim jelly glavu.
Reliefs are quite deep and patterns are easily transfered to the desired surface. For covering the entire nail I use stamp with silicone "jelly" head. The one with "ordinary" rubber head can be used for smaller patterns, but I use jelly head for that too.
Kao što možete vidjeti, pločica je ispunjena damask uzorkom kojeg ja obožavam. Između njih se našao poneki cvijetni/biljni uzorak, te portreti Audrey Hepburn i Marilyn Monroe. Manje uzorke mi je malo teže bilo prenijeti na papir jer bi pečat zahvatio i dio većih uzoraka, no na nokte ih je bilo puno lakše prenijeti. Koristila sam ju nekoliko puta no nisam se sjetila sve slikati, pa vas ostavljam sa slikama dviju manikura. Link za pločicu -
As you can see, the plate is filled with damask pattern which I love. There are few floral/herbal pattern, and portraits of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Smaller patterns were a bit hard to transfer to paper because stamp cought a part of larger patterns, but they were a lot easier to transfer onto nail. I've used it several times but I forgot to take pictures of all of manicure, so I leave you with pictures of two of them. Link for plate -
Druga stvar koja se našla u paketiću je predivna Evenstar ogrlica - fanovi Lord of the Rings će znati o čemu se radi ;)
Second thing that was in this package was gorgeous Evenstar necklace - fans of Lord of the Rings will know what it is ;)
Iako sam pogledala sve LOTR i Hobbit filmove, ne bih za sebe rekla da sam veliki fan, no kada sam vidjela da BP stranica ima Evenstar u ponudi prva pomisao mi je bila - ooooooh Arwen! Materijal je posrebreni nikal i pored ove imaju i zlatnu verziju, al iskreno meni je ova bila ljepša. Iskrena da budem - nisam imala neka velika očekivanja, no kvaliteta izrade ove ogrlice me oduševila. Čak sam mislila i da će privjesak biti manji. Bravo za Born Pretty. Ja sam zaljubljena u ogrlicu i često ju nosim. Link za ogrlicu -
Although I've seen all of the LOTR and Hobbit films, I wouldn't say I'm a big fan, but when I saw that BP site has Evenstar in their offer my first thought was - ooooooh Arwen! The material is a silver plated nickel, and they also have a gold version, but honestly I found this much prettier. To be honest - I didn't have high expectation, but the quality of workmanship delighted me. I even thought that the pendant would be smaller. Good for Born Pretty. I am in love with this necklace and I wear it quite often. Link for necklace -
Ja sam prezadovoljna i pločicom i ogrlicom. U mojoj skromnoj kolekciji pločica ova mi je najdraža upravo radi predivnih damask uzoraka. Ogrlica je još ljepša uživo nego na slikama i već je pokupila puno komplimenata. Ako ste ljubitelj LOTR onda trka na link i naručite si svoj primjerak. Na kraju, još jedna odlična stvar kod Born Pretty stranice je free shipping! Možete koristiti i moj kod za 10% popusta ;)
I am more than pleased with both plate and necklace. In my humble collection of plates, this one is my favorite because of gorgeous damask patterns. Necklace is even more beautiful live than in pictures, and has already got a lot of compliments. If you are a LOTR fan than quickly click on link and order your sample. In the end, another great thing about Born Pretty website is free shipping! You can use my 10% discount code ;)
Jeste li već naručivali sa Born Pretty stranice?
Have you already ordered from Born Pretty site?
xx Stay Tuned xx
To je zaista jedna od njihovih najboljih pločica. Mnogo mi se sviđa kako si uradila drugi manikir.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSlažem se :D
IzbrišiHvala ti puno :*
Jako, jaako volim njihov sajt, izuzetno su dragi, kvalitetni, a vidim i ti si naručila divne stvari.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOva pločica za pečatiranje izgleda jako simpatično, da nisam kod tebe vidjela vjerojatno nikad ne bih ni obratila pažnju, a i ogrlica mi je divna, super.
Pratim te. ☺♥
Sajt im je odličan :D baš imaju zanimljivih stvarčica :D
IzbrišiHvala ti :*
Pratimo se ;)
Posto i sama pisem recenzije o BPS nakitu, zanima me kako si nasla informacije o metarijalu nakita, posto u opisu pise samo alloy? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPretpostavih, jer je u 90 posto slučajeva ovakav nakid pod nazivom alloy zapravo nikal :) Možda sam i u krivu, ali meni ovo izgleda tako :)
IzbrišiHvala na odgovoru! :)
IzbrišiThese look amazing!! I like having my nails black, then having one nail a bit different from the rest. These would be perfect for it! Will need to see if I can get these in the UK, thanks for sharing :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThey ship worldwide and they are quite affordable ;) so I believe there will be no problem with getting them in the UK :)
IzbrišiI like my nails black, too, but I also like playing with colors :D This plate works well with accentuating a nail :)
thank you for your comment :)
Oh wow I love the reliefs on your nails, it looks gorgeous against the base colour so pretty x
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you on your kind words ^_^ :)
IzbrišiI have never used a stamping plate but love the designs that come out on nails. The stamping plate from Born Pretty looks beautiful
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou should try! I tried with some cheap e-bay plates and it didn't look good, but when I got couple from Born Pretty it became really easy :D
IzbrišiThank you for your comment :)
Oh,you got so many gorgeous stamps for your nails! Beautiful patterns all. It's nice to have several options so you can change the motives dependng on your mood, just like the nail colour as well.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat is exactly what I was thinking :D I'm glad you share my opinion :)
IzbrišiThank you for your comment :)
I love those stamps! They create an amazing result on your nails! I have never tried something like this before, but I think I should. I also like your necklace! Very unique! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you :)
IzbrišiYou should definitely give it a go :) it's quite easy :)
Ja ne mogu koristiti plocice :( imam pecat sa gumenom glavom iz Konada i mislila dam da ce to ici,ali na pecat se nista ne prenosi :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako? :O
IzbrišiJa imam one male jeftine pečate, jedan s gumenom jedan s jelly, jelly puno bolje prenosi
I love the patterns and pictures on the stamps. That's a really nice variety! It will be fun to try them all.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you :) I'm glad you like them :)
IzbrišiI have never heard of a stamping plate for nails before. Seems like a very clever idea. They turned out so good on you!
OdgovoriIzbrišiReally? I thought it is a quite common technique. It is clever :) you can get great results with little effort :)
Izbrišiwooow, I need this in my life ! these nail patterns are beyond gorgeous !! works with normal nail polish or you need special thicker one?
OdgovoriIzbrišiEverybody need this in their lives :D
IzbrišiFor pink manicure I used Covergirl and Catrice nail polishes, and for blue I used Avon polishes. I would say they are regular polishes but they are well pigmented so I would reccomend ones with good pigmentation
I have never heard of this company before but I agree with you on the necklace and how pretty it is even if I am not a LOTR fan. I love how you used it with your nails! So cute!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWell I'm glad I could spread the good news :D
IzbrišiThank you very much on your kind words :)
Oh I love LOTR and when i was younger I always wanted an evenstar necklace but they were so expensive! Will look into this one :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI believe you don't have to be a fan to fall in love with Evenstar necklace, it's so gorgeous :)
IzbrišiI recommend this one, it's not expensive and it's of good quality :)
And thank you for your comment :)
I believe you don't have to be a fan to fall in love with Evenstar necklace, it's so gorgeous :)
IzbrišiI recommend this one, it's not expensive and it's of good quality :)
And thank you for your comment :)
prelepo.prvi mi se vise svidja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti :*
IzbrišiHvala ti :*
IzbrišiHow pretty are these, love both the nail art and the pendant. Super cute and would definitely like to try some myself.
OdgovoriIzbrišixx, Kusum |
Thank you very much :)
IzbrišiOmg the evenstar looks absolutely amazing. I'm a big LOTR fans and so that just made me happy!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThen you should definitely get one :D it's quite inexpensive :)
IzbrišiYou did nicely with the stamping plates. I already have stamping plates and I don`t think they work well with me.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you very much :)
IzbrišiSo that's how they design nails like that! I wondered about that! I love the necklace too!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes :D this is the trick :)
IzbrišiThank you :)
Those nail stencils are such a cool idea! Much cheaper than the salon and they look amazing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiExactly :D you can do cool nails at home with these ;)
IzbrišiI was wondering what was that plate for, silly me, it's a template for nail polish. I never thought there are plates like that for DYI enthusiasts. Your fingernails really looked elegant with the design :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, this is the trick :D
IzbrišiThank you :)
It looks high quality even from the photo. Beautiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you very much :)
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*