Na na na na, Batman!

by - 29.2.16


Vikend je prošao, ali to nije razlog da vam ne pokažem još jedan super-opušteni outfit. Ovaj put u glavnoj ulozi imamo duks sa Romwe stranice. U prijašnjim postovima na blogu ste mogli vidjeti kaputić i suknju sa njihove stranice, s kojima sam prilično zadovoljna.

Weekend is over, but that's not the reason not to show you another super-comfy outfit. This time in the lead role is hoodie from Romwe  website. In some of previous post you could see coat and skirt from their website, which I am quite satisfied with.

Volim Batmana. Za mene je Batman Michael Keaton, ipak se radi o Burtonovom filmu ;-) no i Christian Bale je odličan. Duks je na stranici izgledao prilično dobro, te sam se nadala da će i uživo biti blizu tome. I nisam se razočarala. :-) Duks je deblji i jako topao, tako da je super i za zimu. Iako piše da se radi o pamuku, ja bih rekla da je ovo neki sintetički materijal, no unatoč tome jako je udoban. Na stranici izgleda kao da je širok, ali uživo lijepo prati liniju tijela, ali nije ni previše uzak. Opis mi je za 10 haha :-D Više detalja o njemu možete vidjeti na ovom linku. 

I like Batman. For me "the" Batman is Michael Keaton, after all it is Burton's movie ;-) but Christian Bale is great, too. Hoodie looked quite good on the website, so I hoped it would look close to that in real life. And I was not disappointed. :-) Hoodie is a bit thicker and quite warm, so it is great for winter. Although the website states it is made of cotton, I would say this is some synthetic material, but nevertheless quite comfortable. It looks a bit loose on the website, but in real life it fits outline of the body, yet it is not too tight. My description deserves an "A" haha :-D You can see more details about this hoodie on this link. 

Ja sam jako zadovoljna duksom i rado ga nosim. Ako ste fanovi Batmana - ovo je duks za vas ;-). A evo i još nekoliko stvarčica sa Romwe stranice koje su mi upale u oko:

I am quite satisfied with the hoodie and I wear it a lot. If you are a fan of Batman - this is a hoodie for you ;-). And here are some other things from Romwe site which caught my eye:

Košulje / shirts:

Čipkano / lace :

Torbe / bags:

Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj post i Batman duks. Bacite oko na Romwe stranicu jer vjerujem da imaju ponešto za svakoga. ;-)

I hope you like my post and Batman hoodie. Check out Romwe website because I believe there is something for everyone. ;-)

Volite li vi super-heroje? Koji je vaš omiljeni?

Do you like superheroes? Who is your favorite?

xx Stay Tuned xx

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  1. Odlična duksa i baš mi ide uz tebe :) Ja sam si nedavno uzela pidžamu u Lidlu isto s motivom Batmana, mislim kako netko može ne voljeti Batmana :D

    1. Hvala ti :D
      E vidiš, meni je grozno što u BiH nema lidl :/
      Trebam svoje malo više uključit da mi gledaju fora điđe u Lidlu :D


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"I myself am strange and unusual" Coffee addict, in love with makeup, amateur sculptor of polymer clay, animal lover and very friendly misanthrope. ;)

