Look by Bipa - Blusher & Blender brushes
Evo mene nakon duže stanke. Obaveze se nakupile, naročito pred kraj godine, tako da je blog morao malo ispaštati, no probati ću to malo nadoknaditi kroz ovaj mjesec. Vjerujem da je većini poznata marka Look by Bipa. Nažalost Bipa još nije prokopala svoj put do Bosne i Hercegovine, no srećom nije ni daleko jer možete skoknuti preko granice u Hrvatsku - ili kako ja obično kažem "idem doma". Ovo ljeto sam bila u Makarskoj i odlučila da si nabavim koju sitnicu iz lokalne poslovnice. Za prvi put sam se odlučila za dvije četkice - Blusher (za rumenilo) i Blender (za blendanje sjenila).
Here I am after a longer break. Obligations have piled up, especially towards the end of the year, so blog had to suffer a bit, but I'll try to make up for it throughout this month. I believe that most of you are familiar with brand Look by Bipa. Unfortunatelly, Bipa hasn't "dug" its way to Bosnia & Herzegovina's market yet, but luckily we can "hop" over the border to Croatia - or as I like to say "I'm going home". I was in Makarska this summer and decided to get few things from the local store. For my first time I decided to buy two makeup brushes - Blusher and Blender.
Četkice dolaze u plastičnom pakiranju sa zatvaračem koje ih štiti od prašine. Unutra se također nalazi opis četkica i prijedlozi kako ih koristiti. Drške četkica su drvene, a dlaka sintetička. Ono po čemu su najprepoznatljivije je njihova boja - bijele četkice sa rozo-bijelim dlačicama. Totalno girly! Vjerujem da bi privukle svako žensko oko .
Brushes come in a plastic packaging with zipper which protects them from dust. There is also a description of brushes inside packaging, along with suggestions on how to use them. Brush handles are wooden and hair is synthetic. Their most recognizable feature is their color - white brushes with pink-white hair. Totally girly! I believe it they would attract any girl .
Here I am after a longer break. Obligations have piled up, especially towards the end of the year, so blog had to suffer a bit, but I'll try to make up for it throughout this month. I believe that most of you are familiar with brand Look by Bipa. Unfortunatelly, Bipa hasn't "dug" its way to Bosnia & Herzegovina's market yet, but luckily we can "hop" over the border to Croatia - or as I like to say "I'm going home". I was in Makarska this summer and decided to get few things from the local store. For my first time I decided to buy two makeup brushes - Blusher and Blender.
Četkice dolaze u plastičnom pakiranju sa zatvaračem koje ih štiti od prašine. Unutra se također nalazi opis četkica i prijedlozi kako ih koristiti. Drške četkica su drvene, a dlaka sintetička. Ono po čemu su najprepoznatljivije je njihova boja - bijele četkice sa rozo-bijelim dlačicama. Totalno girly! Vjerujem da bi privukle svako žensko oko .
Brushes come in a plastic packaging with zipper which protects them from dust. There is also a description of brushes inside packaging, along with suggestions on how to use them. Brush handles are wooden and hair is synthetic. Their most recognizable feature is their color - white brushes with pink-white hair. Totally girly! I believe it they would attract any girl .
Blender brush
Blusher brush ili kist za rumenilo uz plastično pakiranje dolazi i sa malom plastičnom zaštitom za dlačice, koja ih drži na mjestu kako ne bi izgubile svoj oblik. Dlačice su duge i prilično mekane što je i dobra i loša stvar. Loša - jer ne pokupi tvrđa rumenila baš najbolje, još ako su k tomu slabije pigmentacije na licu će vam ostati jedva vidljiv trag. Dobra - ako je rumenilo jako pigmentirano tada ćete vrlo lako dobiti željeni efekt bez da pretjerate i izgledate kao klaun. Jako je ugodna za korištenje i lijepo izblenda proizvod. Također, veoma dobro surađuje sa praškastim rumenilima.
Blusher brush, along with plastic packaging, comes with a small plastic protection, which holds the hair in place and prevents it from losing shape. Hair fibers are long and quite soft which is both good and bad thing. Bad - because it doesn't pick up harder blushes very well, and if the pigmentation is weaker it will leave barely visible trace on the face. Good - if blush is highly pigmented then you will easily get a desired effect without overdoing it and ending up looking like a clown. It is very pleasant to use and blends the product nicely. Also, it works very well with loose blushes.
Blender brush
Blender brush je četkica namijenjena blendanju sjenila. Vlakna su srednje dužine, prilično gusta, mekana i ugodna za korištenje. Svoj posao odlično obavlja. U samo par poteza dobit ćete lijepo izblendana sjenila, bez puno muke. Vrlo brzo mi se uvukla među favorite .
Blender brush, as it name says, is designed for blending eyeshadow. The fibers are of medium length, fairly dense, soft and pleasant to use. It does its job very well. In just a couple of strokes you will get nicely blended shades, without much effort. It snuck into my favorites fairly quickly .
Cijena četke za rumenilo je oko 21 kn, dok je četkica za blendanje oko 14 kn, što su i više nego pristupačne cijene. Ja sam četkicama veoma zadovoljna i stalno ih koristim. Oprane su već dosta puta i nisam primijetila da je iti jedna dlačica ispala ni iz jedne ni iz druge, niti da je aluminijski dio olabavio. Ako ste u potrazi za jeftinim a dobrim četkicama - od mene imate toplu preporuku.
Price for the blush brush is around 2,7 €, while for blending one is around 1,8 €, what is more than affordable. I am very pleased with the brushes and I use them on daily basis. They have been washed many times and I haven't noticed any hair falling out of either of them, nor the aluminum part loosened up. If you are looking for cheap, good brushes - you have a warm recommendation from me.
Blender brush, as it name says, is designed for blending eyeshadow. The fibers are of medium length, fairly dense, soft and pleasant to use. It does its job very well. In just a couple of strokes you will get nicely blended shades, without much effort. It snuck into my favorites fairly quickly .
Cijena četke za rumenilo je oko 21 kn, dok je četkica za blendanje oko 14 kn, što su i više nego pristupačne cijene. Ja sam četkicama veoma zadovoljna i stalno ih koristim. Oprane su već dosta puta i nisam primijetila da je iti jedna dlačica ispala ni iz jedne ni iz druge, niti da je aluminijski dio olabavio. Ako ste u potrazi za jeftinim a dobrim četkicama - od mene imate toplu preporuku.
Price for the blush brush is around 2,7 €, while for blending one is around 1,8 €, what is more than affordable. I am very pleased with the brushes and I use them on daily basis. They have been washed many times and I haven't noticed any hair falling out of either of them, nor the aluminum part loosened up. If you are looking for cheap, good brushes - you have a warm recommendation from me.
Jeste li već isprobali Look by Bipa četkice? Što biste vi preporučili od Bipe?
Have you already tried Look by Bipa brushes? What Bipa product would you recommend?
xx Stay Tuned xx
flafkići su zakon :D nadam se da te dobro služi :D
Izbriši<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Dovoljno su lijepe čak i da samo stoje onako i ukrašavanje prostor, a još su bolje jer služe svrsi :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiE baš to :D lijepe su i kao ukras :D
IzbrišiIako živim blizu Bipe i volim kupovati u njoj, još uvijek nisam isprobala ove kistove :D Imam samo njihov kabuki koji je odličan :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa kabuki nisam našla :( pa sam se zadovoljila s ova dva :D šteta što nisam uzela bar još jedan blender :D
IzbrišiJako su pristupacne! Mislim da ih nema ni u Srbiji i zao mi je zbog toga :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠteta, baš su dobre :/ valjda će Bipa nekada stići i kod nas i kod vas :D
IzbrišiJa obozavam LBB kistove. Imam ih preko 2 godine i nijednoj mi nije nikad ispala nijedna dlacica. Od Bipe jos volim LBB maskare i olovke za usne a od preparative marka MY ima super proizvoda :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper, baš mi je drago :D Valjda će i moje izdržati toliko hehe. Morat ću onda probati i ostale bipa proizvode ;)
Izbrišiovožavam njihov kabuki, a blush kist mi je nekako meeeeh jer mi je premekan ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKabuki nisam probala ali ga svi hvale, a meni je ovaj za rumenilo dobar kod pigmentiranijih rumenila :D
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*