Avon Magic Effects - Mineral Crush*
Greetings fellow makeup lovers!
*brace yourselves, a lot of pictures are coming*
U zadnje vrijeme sam zaredala sa postovima o noktima, ali što mogu kad moram isprobati sve lakove. U ovom postu ste mogli vidjeti dva laka Avon Magic Effects Matte, a u ovom vam donosim tri ljepotana iz Mineral Crush kolekcije.
I've been writing a lot of nail polish related posts lately, but what can I do when I have to try out all the polishes. In this post you could see two nail polishes from Avon Magic Effects Matte, and in this one I bring you three beauties from Mineral Crush collection.
Iako sam već navela opće karakteristike u Matte postu, nije na odmet ponoviti. Kao i Matte, Mineral Crush linija dolazi u prepoznatljivom Avon pakiranju - crna kartonska kutijica u kojoj se nalaze četvrtaste bočice, koje sadrže 10ml proizvoda. U i na kutijici se nalaze sve informacije vezane za proizvod. Regularna cijena im je 10,50 KM, a u trenutnom katalogu su sniženi na 5,50 KM. Četkica je također ista kao i kod Matte, ali i ostalih Avonovih lakova - srednje duga i široka, te ravno rezana. Prekrivanje je odlično, te će većini biti dovoljan jedan deblji sloj, dok ja volim namazati dva za svaki slučaj.
Although I have already stated the general characteristics in Matte post, it doesn't hurt to repeat them. Like Matte, Mineral Crush collection comes in a distinctive Avon packaging - little black carton box containing the square bottle with 10ml of product. All information about product are stated in and on the box. The brush is the same as in Matte collection, but also in all the other Avon nail polishes - medium long and thick, and flat cut. The coverage is great, so most of you will need one thicker layer for full coverage, but I like to apply two just in case.
Nekoliko puta sam spomenula da, pored mat lakova, moja ljubav ide teksturcima. Moji primjerci teksturaca se odazivaju na imena Diamond, Rose Quartz i Agate.
I have mentioned several times that, beside matte, my love goes to textured polishes. My samples of the textured ones go by the names of Diamond, Rose Quartz i Agate.
I've been writing a lot of nail polish related posts lately, but what can I do when I have to try out all the polishes. In this post you could see two nail polishes from Avon Magic Effects Matte, and in this one I bring you three beauties from Mineral Crush collection.
Iako sam već navela opće karakteristike u Matte postu, nije na odmet ponoviti. Kao i Matte, Mineral Crush linija dolazi u prepoznatljivom Avon pakiranju - crna kartonska kutijica u kojoj se nalaze četvrtaste bočice, koje sadrže 10ml proizvoda. U i na kutijici se nalaze sve informacije vezane za proizvod. Regularna cijena im je 10,50 KM, a u trenutnom katalogu su sniženi na 5,50 KM. Četkica je također ista kao i kod Matte, ali i ostalih Avonovih lakova - srednje duga i široka, te ravno rezana. Prekrivanje je odlično, te će većini biti dovoljan jedan deblji sloj, dok ja volim namazati dva za svaki slučaj.
Although I have already stated the general characteristics in Matte post, it doesn't hurt to repeat them. Like Matte, Mineral Crush collection comes in a distinctive Avon packaging - little black carton box containing the square bottle with 10ml of product. All information about product are stated in and on the box. The brush is the same as in Matte collection, but also in all the other Avon nail polishes - medium long and thick, and flat cut. The coverage is great, so most of you will need one thicker layer for full coverage, but I like to apply two just in case.
Nekoliko puta sam spomenula da, pored mat lakova, moja ljubav ide teksturcima. Moji primjerci teksturaca se odazivaju na imena Diamond, Rose Quartz i Agate.
I have mentioned several times that, beside matte, my love goes to textured polishes. My samples of the textured ones go by the names of Diamond, Rose Quartz i Agate.
Diamond izgleda kao "običan" srebrni lak, no on je daleko od toga. Iako u kod njega najviše prevladava siva/srebrna nijansa, ona se pod različitim svjetlom prelijeva u pomalo taupe, smeđu, a meni je ponekad imala i neki roskasti odsjaj. Zaista jedna divna nijansa sive, te bi se definitivno odlično uklopio u 50 Nijansi Sive, hahaha. Sastoji se od sitno mljevenog srebrnog shimmera sa ponekom krupnijom šljokicom, koja mu daje divan i neobičan teksturni finiš. Meni osobno je predivan i jako drag, ali ipak nije najdraži od ove trojice. Trajao mi je sedam dana bez oštećenja. Čak sam ga i testirala u pranju suđa i ostalim kućanskim poslovima bez gumenih rukavica i sve je preživio.
Diamond looks like an "ordinary" silver polish, but it is much more than that. Although the gray / silver shade prevails the most, in different light it seems a bit taupe, brownish, and sometimes it had a pinkish glow. It is truly a lovely shade of gray, and would definitely fit in 50 Shades of Gray hahaha. It contains finely ground shimmer with some larger sequins, which give it a lovely and unusuale textured finish. I personally find it really pretty and I quite like it, but it is not my favorite of these three. It lasted for seven days without chipping. I even tested it while washing dishes and doing other housework withouth using rubber gloves and it survived all.
Rose Quartz
Iako ja nisam neki ljubitelj rozih nijansi, moram priznati da mi se Rose Quartz odmah svidio. Nijansa je roza sa toplim pod tonom. U bočici izgleda kao da ima i malo srebrne, na noktima se to ne primjeti. Prva stvar koja mi je kroz glavu prošla kad sam ga nanijela na nokte je - Princess nokti!!! Šljokicavi rozi teksturac - pa kako i ne bi podsjećao na princeze? Kao i Diamond, i Rose Quartz sadrži sitno mljeveni shimmer sa ponekom većom šljokicom, što daje jedan predivan efekt. Još uvijek mi je na noktima i vjerovatno ga neću skinuti još nekoliko dana. On i Diamond su mi jednako dragi i lijepi.
Although I am not much of a fan of pink shades, I must admit that I liked Rose Quartz immediately. It is a pink shade with warm undertone. In the bottle it looks like there is a dash of silver, but it is not noticable on the nails. The first thing that came through my mind when I applied it is - Princess nails!!! Glittery pink textured polish - how could you not think of princesses? Just like Diamond, Rose Quartz also contains finely ground shimmer with some larger sequins, which gives it a nice effect. It is still on my nails and I will probably wear it for the next few days. Rose Quartz and Diamond are equally pretty and dear to me.
Hala Madrid!!! |
I dolazimo do trećeg ljepotana i meni osobno najdražeg. Agate je prekrasnoća pretočena u bočicu! Zaljubila sam se u njega i prije nego sam ga nanijela na nokte. Nijansa je skroz zanimljiva - pod jednim svjetlom izgleda skroz plavo, dok pod drugim izgleda ljubičasto. Kao i kod Rose Quartz u bočici se primijeti srebrna nijansa, koju ja osobno na noktima nisam primijetila. Teksturni finiš je isti kao i kod prethodna dva. Njega sam prvoga isprobala iz ove kolekcije, pa po slikama možete primijetiti da su mi i nokti kraći. Kao što me je Rose Quartz podsjetio na klasične princeze, ovaj me je skroz podsjetio na Elsu iz Frozen. Let it go, let it gooooo!
And we come to the third beauty and my personal favorite. Agate is a loveliness poured into a bottle! I fell in love with it even before I applied it. The shade is quite interesting - under one type light it seems completely blue, while under other it seems purple. As in Rose Quartz, the silver shade is noticable in the bottle, which I personally haven't noticed on nails. The textured finish is the same as in previous two. I tried it first from this collection, so you can notice in the pictures that my nails are a bit shorter. As the Rose Quartz reminded me of clasic princesses, this one reminded me of Elsa in Frozen. Let it go, let it goooo!
And we come to the third beauty and my personal favorite. Agate is a loveliness poured into a bottle! I fell in love with it even before I applied it. The shade is quite interesting - under one type light it seems completely blue, while under other it seems purple. As in Rose Quartz, the silver shade is noticable in the bottle, which I personally haven't noticed on nails. The textured finish is the same as in previous two. I tried it first from this collection, so you can notice in the pictures that my nails are a bit shorter. As the Rose Quartz reminded me of clasic princesses, this one reminded me of Elsa in Frozen. Let it go, let it goooo!
Iako su mi mat generalno najdraži finiš lakova, moram reći da mi se Mineral Crush više svidjela od Matte kolekcije. Sva tri laka su predivna i efektna, te će definitivno podići bilo kakav look. Odlična stvar kod njih, kao i kod većine teksturaca, je njihova trajnost, tako da vjerujem da će većini dugo potrajati na noktima.
Although the matte finish is generally my favorite one, I must say that I liked Mineral Crush more than Matte collection. All three polishes are beautiful and noticeable, and will definitively enrich every look. The great thing about them, as with most textured polishes, is their durability, so I believe that it will last long for most people.
Although the matte finish is generally my favorite one, I must say that I liked Mineral Crush more than Matte collection. All three polishes are beautiful and noticeable, and will definitively enrich every look. The great thing about them, as with most textured polishes, is their durability, so I believe that it will last long for most people.
Sviđa li vam se Mineral Crush kolekcija? Volite li vi teksturce? Koji vam je najljepši od ova tri?
Do you like Mineral Crush collection? Do you like textured polishes? Which one of these you find the prettiest?
Do you like Mineral Crush collection? Do you like textured polishes? Which one of these you find the prettiest?
*Proizvodi dobiveni u svrhu neplaćene recenzije. Sva mišljenja su moja i iskrena.
*Products were sent to me for the purpose of unpaid review. All the opinons are mine and honest.
xx Stay Tuned xx
Diamond mi se dopada,jer je kombinacija moje omiljne crne i šljokica. Ali najveći pobjednik je šolja!! Hala Madrid! xoxoxo
da da diamond je baš divan :D
Izbrišii drago mi je da ti se sviđa šolja :D hala madrid
Agate je prelijep, prvi je na meti kada znam da sljedećih par dana neću imati volje za lakiranjem noktiju :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiAgate je meni najdraži,baš je divan :D
Izbrišidiamond je definitivno moj tip laka, premda ni agate nije daleko :D
OdgovoriIzbrišipravi kraljevski i jedan i drugi :D za kraljicu :D
IzbrišiUpravo sam namazala diamond, meni je savrsen! Mada mi se i agate mnogo dopada na slikama, ali nekako nisam tip za plavo. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišija inače nisam ljubitelj plave, meni se na prvu u bočici učinio ljubičast, ali baš je neka čudna nijansa :D A diamond je klasika, s njim se ne može pogriješiti :D
IzbrišiAgate je zaista prekrasan.
OdgovoriIzbrišidijelimo ukus :D
IzbrišiThank you for the comments :*